• I’m getting this error message:

    “Sorry, we are unable to find the document at the original source. Verify that the document still exists. You can also try to download the original document by clicking here.”

    Clicking ‘here’ works. The document is in the wordpress media library. This happens for every document type I post. The wordpress site is an internal CMS behind a firewall, I can’t provide you access to see what’s happening.



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  • Thanks Kevin.

    Since one of the sites will not have internet access, I must then go on to another plugin. This is unfortunate because the comments and documentation lead me to believe this was exactly what I was looking for.


    On the site davistribe.org/gde/notes/ it is stated under “The viewer loads my document(s)very slowly” … “each page is being individually rendered as an image.”

    Interesting. Do you know what type of image?
    (I figure if anyone would know, it would be you!)

    The images are PNGs.

    Thank you. That is what I thought, and the confirmation I needed. It may lead to a possible work-a-round.

    If you work up an interesting extension, I’d love to see it.

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