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  • Plugin Author alek



    I don’t really understand what you mean.
    Open a category view when clicked on a day/month?

    Thread Starter bbull


    Hello alek,
    Thanks for giving reply.
    I used the short code in my page as follows
    [arcalendar next_text=”>” prev_text=”<” post_count=”true” month_view=”false” category=”categoryone”].

    Actually I have 4 ctegories (categoryone,categorytwo,categorythree,categoryfour).when i use the above short code,it shows all the posts of(categoryone,categorytwo,categorythree,categoryfour).

    our intention is to show particular category posts only in that month, if we specify the category=”categoryone” it will show only “categoryone” posts.not shows the remaining posts of(categorytwo,categorythree,categoryfour).

    Plugin Author alek


    Ok I understand now.
    The shortcode was very optional, I didn’t really thought that someone will be using it, I even considered to remove it from future releases. I will include it in the next version.

    Actually only the widget and the function (archive_calendar();) can be configured like that. In the widget there are some settings to choose categories to show or specify the post_type.
    And the function archive_calendar(); must be configured that way:

    // default parameters
    $args = array(
    	'next_text' => '>',
    	'prev_text' => '<',
    	'post_count' => true,
    	'month_view' => false,
    	'categories' => null, // all categories if null
    	'post_type' => null // 'post' if null

    Each parameter is optional, if you don’t specify it, the default value will be used

    $args = array(
    	'categories' => 'categoryone',


    how can i pass the parameter categories dynamically in archive_calender() function

    Plugin Author alek


    What do you mean by ‘dynamically’ ?

    Like this ?:

    $mycat = 1;
    //$mycat = array(1, 2);
    // $mycat = '1, 2';
    $args = array(
    	'categories' => $mycat

    I think I have removed the possibility to provide the category name to filter the view. You have to provide the category id (term_id) in a string or in an array.



    yup this is exactly what i want to do
    Do i need to call the calender widget on category.php

    $args = array(
    	'categories' => $mycat

    Do i need to put this

    Plugin Author alek


    If you use the widget by calling it’s function: you have to specify its settings every time you want to show it.
    Be sure that the get_queried_object_id() returns only categories ID’s in an array.
    (if you’re on a category archive, it will return the category object [ ])

    I think it should be something like that:

    $mycat = $cat->term_id;
    $args = array(
    	'categories' => $mycat



    I don’t know man why its not working.

    I have created four different archive calenders ( one for each category).
    I have a category page on which i call archive calender specific to that category only.
    i have the same code that is of category.php on archive.php.

    Every thing is fine till now.Calender Show the posts from that specific category only

    But now when i click on calender to go to the date archive for that particular category then it doesn’t work at all, it shows me post from all the categories.

    Now i changed my approach and tried this

                  $args = array(
                    'categories' => $catname,
                    'next_text' => '?',
                    'prev_text' => '?',
                    'post_count' => true,
                    'month_view' => true,
                    'month_select' => 'default',
                    'different_theme' => 0, // set 1 (true) if you want to set a different theme for this widget
                    'theme' => null, // theme 'name' if 'different_theme' == true
                    'post_type' => array('post') // array() -> list of post types to show

    but now it displays calender but no posts are shown at all,

    Man what is it that i am doing wrong

    I have got struck for two straight days



    solved it buddy
    by editing the line 445 on arw-widget.php

    $cal .= '<span class="day'.$last.$todayClass.' has-posts"><a href="'.get_day_link( $months[$i]->year, $months[$i]->month, $j ).'&cat='.get_queried_object_id().'">'.$j.'</a></span>';

    i appended the '&cat='.get_queried_object_id(). to get_day_link

    Anyways thanks for the great plugin



    Hi Alek!
    I had the same problem than monk_amritanshu,
    I use the plugin to show only posts filtered by categories.
    Calendar displays correctly only dates for a categrory selected but when I click on a date the plugin returns all posts of the date and not only posts of the specific category. Solution given by monk_amritanshu works only if get_queried_object_id() returns the current catgory ID and not a page ID or else. In my case I used get_query_var( ‘cat’ ) in line 445. It would be interesting to have this feature in the next version. By the way Alex, thank you for your plugin, good work !

    Alltech can you tell me what you line is in 445 complete?
    I have the same problems.

    I want to show the Entry only from a category with ID66.
    Can you hel me with this line?

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