I don’t know man why its not working.
I have created four different archive calenders ( one for each category).
I have a category page on which i call archive calender specific to that category only.
i have the same code that is of category.php on archive.php.
Every thing is fine till now.Calender Show the posts from that specific category only
But now when i click on calender to go to the date archive for that particular category then it doesn’t work at all, it shows me post from all the categories.
Now i changed my approach and tried this
$args = array(
'categories' => $catname,
'next_text' => '?',
'prev_text' => '?',
'post_count' => true,
'month_view' => true,
'month_select' => 'default',
'different_theme' => 0, // set 1 (true) if you want to set a different theme for this widget
'theme' => null, // theme 'name' if 'different_theme' == true
'post_type' => array('post') // array() -> list of post types to show
but now it displays calender but no posts are shown at all,
Man what is it that i am doing wrong
I have got struck for two straight days