Unable to edit website after adding new translation
Sorry for the additional topic on “unable to udpate/edit” but after consulting many different posts I really do think my own issue wasn’t addressed yet, if it was please do not hesitate to redirect me to the existing topic.
So let’s recap the last steps I went through recently :
– I updated WordPress to 5.2.1 some days ago, along with all my plugins, no issue. I checked my website and all was fine.
– I decided yesterday to add a third translation (already translated in French and English) to some articles of my website. I use the plugin “q-translateX” for that. At this point I discovered the new interface for the modification of pages and articles and I must say I preferred the old versions, but maybe this new interface was from an older version of WordPress ? I hadn’t been editing anything on my website for a long time.
– I went through the “code editor” which I prefer to the “visual editor” and added the new translation in a new bloc [:oc] (for “Occitan”) after the two first blocs [:fr] and [:en] for french and english. It went all fine and the translation appeared on my website.
– After that I tried adding some minor modifications to correct a few things but I am unable to change anything else. The interface tells me the update is saved but when I reload the interface page (not the website page) the change simply disappears even though the number of the revision was incremented. Same thing for any other article or page of my site.
– I emptied the cache and I have no cache plugin, that’s not the source of my problem.
– I installed the “Health Check & Troubleshooting” plugin but I am not sure I understand it. When I activate the troubleshooting mode I have 2 contradictory things : 1) in the description it says “Here you can enable individual plugins or themes, helping you to find out what might be causing strange behaviors on your site” ; 2) when I activate the plugin a first notice appears saying “Plugin actions, such as activating and deactivating, are not available while in Troubleshooting Mode.” ??
– I tried activating the “q-translateX” plugin anyway and it says “When enabling the plugin, qtranslate-x, a site failure occurred. Because of this the change was automatically reverted.” but actually that’s the case for any of the plugin I try to activate. Is it because of the issue on my website or is it because the “Health Check & Troubleshooting” plugin doesn’t allow to activate the plugins ? I don’t really understand…Well at this point I don’t know what to do so if anyone can give me a clue I would be extremely thankful ! Many thanks for taking the time to read up to this point anyway and please tell me if you need any other detail.
Have a nice day.
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