• Hello fellow wordpressers,

    I am new to wordpress and am having issues editing a previously made homepage. I only wish to edit a couple words within the page. When I try to “edit” said page the edit page is completely blank but when I view the home page it is still filled up with our usual home page stuff. I have very little knowledge of code and have already deactivated and re-activated all of our plug-ins. Im not sure what to try next… Please advise!

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  • It’s probable that your site is using a static front page. If you locate the correct page in your WordPress dashboard, if you look on the right in the sidebar, there is an area where the page’s template is defined. Typically called home.php or front-page.php.

    It’s this template that you need to edit, in your preferred text editor (not WordPress). You may be able to actually edit the template in WordPress but one little mistake and your site will be down so it’s better to do it the proper way and edit the file in a dedicated editor.

    Hi, I’m new to all this so please try to excuse my cluelessness..

    I’m using/trying to have a static front page and wanting to edit it but am not able to do so. I have successfully put a picture at the top and populated the Header Title and Site Description, but can’t find how to get at the content below that.

    Sometimes I have a link in the Dashboard that says “Edit your front page” and sometimes it says “Write your first blog post” – when it says the former the link does not work; when it says the latter it takes me to a post section to write a blog post. I want nothing to do with blogging. The site is Advantage-Tennis.net; the template is Decode.

    In Customize under the header Static Front Page, and under “Front Page Displays” I select the option for “A Static Page” and then two seemingly hot links come up, one of which is “Front Page” but that link goes nowhere either.

    Please, what am I missing? Thanks in advance for any help.

    Thanks Forum – you are magic. After more than a week of trying with no luck; less than an hour after asking for help the editing links magically come alive. yahoo!

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