this is the response I got from Elementor support:
“Unfortunately, providing assistance to a 3rd party plugins issues falls outside our support scope.
As you know, Elementor has no control over plugins not developed by us, so any external plugin can make changes to your site depending on the type of code embedded in them.
When you have verified (and rightly so) that the problem comes from another plugin and after you have verified that only when you turn it off the problem is solved, you are actually confirming that the problem is not from Elementor but from the plugin itself.
The very fact that the developers of the plugin send you back to us claiming that it is related to us shows that they are not interested in taking responsibility and updating their plugin’s database in order to be compatible and support the latest versions of our plugin.
Elementor covers within its warranty and technical service the plugins and features that belong exclusively to Elementor.
So unfortunately I don’t have much to do about it except to tell you to contact the developers of this plugin or alternatively, find another plugin that performs the same actions but is compatible and works properly with our plugins like dozens of other plugins that work.
Thank you for your understanding and apologize for the inconvenience.”