• mbc


    It allows me to do so..but when I hit save edit..it
    saves the changes on the edit page itself..but the changes are not seen on the actual comment page under the post..any ideas?

    I’m not sure if this is the right category for this..if not my apologies. If someone could point me in the right direction I will repost.

    Thank you

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  • Thread Starter mbc


    I’ve found a few posts about problems with editing RE:It seems there is a problem editing comments if they have a single quote character, as in – I’m – or – you’re.

    Here is the suggested fix from member jaden:

    “Database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax near ‘t you agree that we should go directly to the individual first to discuss this? ‘ at line 3]”


    However this is not the same as the problem I have.

    I found these under “How-To and Troubleshooting.” Just hope If I post under the above it’s okay..seeing as I have already this post here too?




    The two threads you linked above are from 2004! (sometimes it is a good idea to look at th date of the post!) Since then several new WP versions came out and the code has been changed.
    What version of WP are you using?

    Thread Starter mbc


    Hi Moshu, yes I saw that and continued to look for more recent fixes but have had no luck yet. I’m using the latest version of WP 2.



    If you mean 2.0.2 then not seeing your changes might be because of the cache.
    Try to clean your wp-content/cache/ folder and see if the changes appear.
    Another idea: sometimes a not-updated SpamKarma plugin can mess with the comments (though it was mainly reported as not showing the real number of comments under the posts)

    Thread Starter mbc


    Okay will give them both a try Moshu..starting with the cache first.

    As I’m still relatively new at all this I have to ask the simplest questions sometimes before moving ahead with anything. So here’s one of them..can I safely delete everything in the cache?

    And thanks much..I’llpost back if it gets resolved.




    can I safely delete everything in the cache?


    Thread Starter mbc


    thnx :O)



    [I just deleted your other thread]

    Thread Starter mbc


    Duh..I’m obviously not a well camper today Moshu..saw that you’re a mod and totally missed it when I asked that question…thanks for the patience.

    Unfortuately clearing the cache didn’t fix the problem..

    I have a ‘SMART COMMENTS PLUGIN v. 2.0’ that’s not activated & ‘ThreeStrikesSPAM,’ that is. I’ve just uploaded the ‘SpamKarma plugin’ but cannot see it in my plugin directory. However when I open the SK2 folder in my FTP client I see there is the first SK2 folder with files in it..and another SK2 folder within the first folder (also has files in it), though some are different. Could this be the reason why it’s not showing up in the plugins page? Sort of like the problem I had with Dark Maple not having a templete under ‘Presentations,’ another secondary folder had installed or opened into the original folder..when I deleted the 2nd folder it was fine. Should I then delete the second folder..even if there are a few different files in it that aren’t in the first folder. Or should I upload the differnet files into the first folder before deleting it?

    In the other thread ‘Handy’ suggsested:
    “Try ctrl-F5 from your browser to force a reload (not F5, ctrl+F5).” Just what am I trying to force a reload of exactly..an edited comment?

    Thanx for closing the other thread..



    1. On my install there is /wp-content/plugins/SK2/sk2_plugins/
    If you have two “SK2” – then probably it’s too much ??

    2. On any webpage Ctrl+F5 will force a fresh re-load of that page to your browser.

    Thread Starter mbc


    I got the plugin to work..activated it and did a Ctrl+F5..still not working :o(


    Amendment (13:11:) Just got a lot of error messages after I tried to update a comment (Din’t get any the first time I tried editing one). The one that seems relevent to the ocmments though is:

    Error: cannot update comment entry ID: 0 to status: moderated.
    SQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ” at line 1
    Cannot update sk2_kSpamTable info (no comment ID provided).

    Now I’m really lost..what do I do with that?



    Thread Starter mbc


    SK2 seems to be working fine now..but not helping with the problem.



    comment entry ID: 0
    That might be the problem – a comment should have an ID# other than zero.

    Thread Starter mbc


    K I will try and figure out how to fix that..

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