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  • slickremix


    @smashballoon Hey hey! Thought I would pop on by to see if you are experiencing the same troubles with group feeds as we are. Come to find out the issue is because of the pinned post in a group feed, not a page just the group feeds. Someone pointed out this resolved the feed issue in our plugin by removing the pinned post on facebook. Sure enough I tested this and that is indeed the issue. Looking into a fix now too.

    @robertklein67 I’ll bet if you unpin that post and test the feed again it will work.


    Plugin Author smashballoon


    Hey @slickremix, thanks for letting us know that it’s related to pinned posts. I checked some previous tickets and all of the groups having the issue do indeed have a pinned post. I updated the bug report with Facebook to include this information. The only way I’ve found to get around it is using a User Access Token rather than an App Access Token. Not an ideal workaround due to the hoops required to jump through to get a User token, but perhaps a viable solution for some users who don’t want to remove the pinned post. Hopefully Facebook get the bug fixed ASAP.




    @smashballoon Good looking out on the bug report and the work around using the user token. Hopefully they work that out soon. It would be nice to see an option for a pinned post in the print_r for an array. We could do so much with that!




    It’s also worth noting too that in my latest research I’ve found you cannot view groups without being logged in no matter what… this is not the case with facebook pages. I think this was a recent change as well I saw no documentation for. Probably something to do with the latest banning of selling guns in groups. Seems like all these issue popped up around that time.




    Yes that works ??

    Plugin Author smashballoon


    Glad to hear that Robert.

    @slickremix Gotta love those surprise undocumented Facebook changes, they definitely keep us on our toes!



    Hey, I’ve been having the same issue, tried the User token thingy above but got some PHP error when doing it. Tried unpinning the post in the group and it helped. Thanks for the tip guys!

    Plugin Author smashballoon


    Glad to hear that nikolagavric. Hopefully Facebook will have the bug resolved soon.


    same problem here. used to work, then stopped. using the FB api to test, I can see that it fail in the ‘source’: I tried with two tokens|8nJQfbZNZsqbZu-s9lR_qvtHkpw|MQRKCHr9slOmHSo313teG03qipE
    both fail with : “An unknown error has occurred.”
    the group I am (trying to) access: it got a pinned post. I have admin on this group and don’t know what to try to change (if anything). the same URL to FB with a different page (btw, this is a page not not a group) do work, example:|8nJQfbZNZsqbZu-s9lR_qvtHkpw
    so it is something with this a group (or this specific group).
    What should I try?

    Plugin Author smashballoon


    Hey shprung,

    This is a known issue caused by a bug in the Facebook API which returns an error for Facebook Groups which contain a “Pinned Post”. We’ve filed a bug report and Facebook have confirmed the bug and have assigned it to their product team to be fixed. In the meantime, we’ve found that you can bypass the issue by either a) removing the “Pinned Post”, or b) obtaining and using a “User” Access Token from Facebook. Either of those options should resolve the issue for now until Facebook fixes the issue.

    Let me know whether that helps, and I hope you’re having a good start to your week!


    thanks for the info. I am just the techi so I can’t force the people in this group to remove the pinned post… so this option is N/A for me ??
    In my post above, I did show that even when I am using my access token, it fail.

    while setup as admin, I didn’t created this group so can it be that my token is not directly associated with that group (even that I am an admin for it)?
    If you enter a wrong tokem, the error is “Invalid OAuth access token signature.” but if you use a good one (my or yours) it reply with “An unknown error has occurred.”
    Any idea on this front of generating new token key that may work?

    Plugin Author smashballoon


    Hey shprung,

    You’re using a regular “App” Access Token. You can bypass the Facebook bug by obtaining a “User” Access Token. If you follow the directions here and then use the button in step 9 to generate a token then you should be able to use that in your site to bypass this issue.

    Let me know whether that works for you.


    works! thanks.

    Plugin Author smashballoon


    Awesome, glad to hear that!

    @smashballoon Not sure if your extended Token creation tool is good for more than 60 days but if not as of July 2015 you can now create a 60 day user access token easily in Facebook too now. Just click the Debug button on the user access token you want to extend on this page when logged in. Then you will see a blue Extend Access Token button near the bottom of the page. Way faster for sure!


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