• Tony Stark


    Hi All,

    OK, the 5 minute innstall issue is becoming a 3 day nightmare?! I can now upload files AOK after changing permissions but when I check the “Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders” box it errors with the following error:

    “Unable to create directory /var/www/vhosts/[mydomain]/httpdocs/wp-content/uploads/2009/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server?”

    What is up with that? It is clear that WP/Apache/PHP can write to the root of wp-content/uploads but when it goes any deeper it fails?!

    If I uncheck the value it works? FYIW, I am using Plesk 8.6 / Debian.




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  • @nabtron Your advice saved me a headache. I was very uncomfortable changing the permissions-even if only for a short while-because my blogs have been hacked before.

    I have the same problem when trying to upload an image from my own files. This message appears every time: Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads/2009/12. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
    I read your suggestions and tried everything to no avail.
    I have changed the miscellaneous settings into every possible configuration:
    I have unchecked the organize by month box as suggested.
    I have filled in the Full URL path to files.
    I talked to the hosting company and was told that the permissions are set correctly.
    Any other suggestions?

    Check your .htaccess file.

    See this thread for what the file should contain. It should live at WordPress root unless you have changed the blog homepage to be different from the directory where you installed WordPress … then it should be at your account root.


    After fiddling a bit with the permissions, I tried miscellaneous in settings and it was indeed the wrong path (due to changing servers and re-uploading on new server). wp-content/uploads did the trick. Thanks to all! Very useful thread indeed.

    in my case I had to change the owner of the entire WordPress folder to www-data . I’m not sure where this user came from and why, but here’s the command I used
    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/wordpress

    Thanks to TRLocke, who posted the solution that worked for me.

    Okay, this is all I needed to fix this:

    hello tan,

    please make sure it is “wp-content/uploads” and not “/wp-content/uploads”

    Can’t upload any photo on my blog site.

    Unable to create directory /home/mysite/public_html/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/02. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    I have tried the wp-content/upload thing but it didn’t work, I checked /wp-content on my ftp browser but I haven’t seen any upload folder. I’ve tried uploading photos thru media but it says the same thing.

    What could possibly be wrong?



    Shockwavelouie – looks like you might need to create the upload folder. I had to.

    Hint from chengdu living about eliminating the forward slash before the “wp-contents”‘ is what made it work for me.

    Thank you so much!



    Okay so I tried changing the directory

    wp-contents/uploads and that did not work.

    After playing around for like an hour I finally unclicked “Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders”. That did it.

    Who says wordpress is a time saver eh? hehe

    Thanks for everyone’s help.



    I posted a video tutorial which covers how to change your permissions so that you can upload media. https://www.wpcontent.com/post/183



    Unfortunately none of the solutions above have worked!

    I was first getting this: Unable to create directory /wp-content/uploads. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    Then I changed everything to 777 permission and uploading the file told me that the file couldn’t be moved to the uploads folder. Help?!

    I’m using Filezilla btw.



    Check here.



    Hi, I have the same problems and I have already tried everything suggested in this topic but nothing worked so far.
    I noticed that my error message says:

    Unable to create directory

    without the dot between mydomain & com…
    if this is the problem, how can I solve it?



    In settings > Misc. resetting the upload dir to the default


    worked for me!


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