• Hello team,

    We installed this “Variation Bundles” plugin together with your “Product Bundles” plugin, since our goal is to cover the following scenario:

    – Our store already sells one product “Shirt” with 4 sizes/variations: S, M, L, XL. We also sell one product “Pants” with sizes M & L.

    – Now, we need to create a new product called “Pack Shirt+Pants”, which is composed of “Shirt” and “Pants” products of the same size.

    – For the new product “Pack Shirt+Pants”, we want to enable our customer to select her preferred size/variation (available sizes are M & L) only once.

    – This is a simple example, though we’re planning to create similar “packs” which include more than 4 or 5 products. It doesn’t make sense for our customer to select the same size for each and every included product. That’s why we want our customer to select the pack’s size only.

    However, after following your documentation, we couldn’t understand how to set this up. We appreciate your help to configure this new product.

    Thanks so much for your assistance!

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  • Plugin Author SomewhereWarm


    Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    To achieve the result you have in mind it is necessary to:

    1. create a Product Bundle for each size,
    2. create a Variable Product with size variations and;
    3. link each size variation to the respective Bundle.

    To set up a Product Bundle that includes only specific sizes/variations:

    • add the “Shirt” and “Pants” Variable Products as bundled items,
    • use the Filter Variations option to include only a specific variation in the Bundle and;
    • use the Override Default Selections option to select this variation by default.

    You may find a detailed example on how to add individual variations as bundled items at: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/bundles/bundles-configuration/#section-13.

    After you:

    • create a Product Bundle for each available size and;
    • create a Variable Product with size variations,

    you need to link each Bundle to a specific variation. To do this, click to edit each variation and share for the respective Bundle in this field: https://share.getcloudapp.com/o0uPk2jQ.

    Let me know if this helps!

    Jason Kytros
    Support Escalation and Test Engineer | SomewhereWarm | https://somewherewarm.com/

    Thread Starter destaff


    Hi @somewherewarm / Jason,

    Thanks so much for your reply! After trying it, good news is that the “structure” created apparently looks okay: we were able to set up one “Pack” (Variable Product) and the customer is able to purchase her desired size variation (Product Bundle).

    However, now we observe 3 problems which prevent to work as expected. Maybe we missed something and there is an alternative to properly solve these 3 problems. Or probably it is working as designed, in which case, we’re afraid this is not a feasible solution.
    We appreciate if you please help us figure out best way forward:

    Problem #1:
    The available stock quantity of a given size variation (Product Bundle) is not automatically rolled up to its container “Pack” (Variable Product).

    So when a customer is intending to purchase an M size of the “Pack Shirt+Pants” (from its product page), she doesn’t see that this pack is out-of-stock when the M size of the corresponding Shirt has decreased down to 0.

    We think that automatically rolling stock quantities up from Product Bundle to its Variable Product would solve this problem (in a similar way how the “Shirt”‘s stock is automatically rolled up to its Product Bundle).

    Problem #2:
    Regular & Sale prices of a given size variation (Product Bundle) are not rolled up to the container “Pack” (Variable Product).

    This means that the customer sees the price of the “Pack Shirt+Pants” (Variable Product) in its product page, but when she adds the desired M size to the cart, the price that will be charged is the price of this size variation (Product Bundle), which was not visible on the pack’s page.

    In this case, we also think that automatically rolling prices up to the Variable Product (from the Product Bundle) would also solve this problem.

    Problem #3:
    Assuming #1 & #2 were solved, this configuration process implies a very costly manual overload, since it requires to manually set up M variations * N “packs” (M*N times). This is difficult to scale for a store that sells more than just a few packs.

    Set up time could be reduced if those variations were automatically populated from already existing products (e.g. from “Shirt”‘s sizes): it would only take to manually set up N “packs”.
    The functionality we just really need is to create N new packs composed of existing products – setting up M variations (already existent) is redundant (sounds like an internal mechanism to make it work).

    Thank you so much for your assistance!

    Plugin Author SomewhereWarm


    Hey @destaff,

    Your observations are on-point.

    From a technical perspective, there isn’t a reliable way to automatically fill in the variation’s price and remaining stock with the price/stock of the associated Bundle.

    Variation Bundles is a free mini-extension that was created as a workaround to solving a difficult problem: “How to create Variable Products with Product Bundles as variations?”.

    If you are looking to group together Product Bundles in a more efficient way that doesn’t require you setting up the same price/stock in multiple places, then I recommend to use Composite Products. For your specific use case, I suggest to create a Composite Product with a single component and add all Product Bundles as available options there.

    Would you consider using this plugin instead?

    Jason Kytros
    Support Escalation and Test Engineer | SomewhereWarm | https://somewherewarm.com/

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