This can be due to:
– Page caching (try resaving widget settings and clearing any caching plugins).
– A Simple Social Icons widget in the inactive widget area (try removing it), or more than one widget on the page with different size settings.
– A style from your theme or a plugin that’s overriding the widget’s size settings. (Your browser’s developer tools will show which CSS is determining the icon size.)
@osalcedo Feel free to share a link to a page where this is visible in a new topic, and detail your current widget font size settings. I’m happy to take a closer look.
@savvychase In case you still need help with this, you appear to have some custom CSS that’s setting the icons to a fixed size:
.footer-widgets-3 .simple-social-icons ul li a {
background: transparent !important;
font-size: 18px;
If you can find and remove that code from the WordPress admin area, it should allow you to control the icon size with the widget settings.