Unable to add widgets into sidebar boxes when editing Category or Tag
wp-page-widgets v2.5 @ WordPress 4.0 do this:
When I add/edit Category or Tag in Post Section, I cannot add widgets to defined sidebars. (When i click to widget nothing is happens. No options to select.)
When I add/edit single Post or Page everything works fine. (I can click to widget and add to the selected sidebar.)
Code Console in Firefox show:
TypeError: jQuery(...).autoResize is not a function @ edit-tags.php line: 733
and frequently
TypeError: e is undefined @ load-scripts.php:246
I checked several possible sources of the problem and probably some jQuery code incomatibilities in admin panel plugin files produce such behavior. I do not test this case in the lower versions of wordpress, it seems that this option should work.
Is this problem can be solved quickly?
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