• Hello,

    I run several websites using wordpress, and generally the upgrade to 4.0.1 (on other sites I run) has been seamless.

    However, with one website (thethreestrategies.com), after being kicked-out post-upgrade to 4.0.1 to reauth, I have NEVER been able to log back in. I have the plugin WordFence installed, and it sends me a notification saying that I have successfully logged in, but I still sit outside of the site and can’t get to its underbelly.

    Using FTP, I have disabled all plugins (by renaming the folder names).
    I have tried accessing it using different browsers
    I have tried logging on using different devices
    I have waited, hoping that some magical fairies would fix it (didn’t work)
    I have had the website for years, so it has functioned well until this upgrade
    I have other websites that have successfully upgraded to 4.0.1

    Any ideas? I’m stumped, and I can’t afford the $125/hour that I’ve been quoted to fix this puppy.

    And, I really really don’t want to rebuild it.

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  • Had the same problem
    It seemed that the update files had acces permissions set to 666
    Changing them back by FTP to 644 was the solution.

    Thread Starter brittsantowski


    Thanks for your input, Albertus59. Any idea what the filename is that has the access permissions?

    no, not one file
    i mean file permissions, check this

    but if you’re not familiar with this, be careful!

    Thread Starter brittsantowski


    I checked the permissions of random files (including the wp-login.php), and they are all seem to be at 644.

    I am having the same issue. My file permissions are all fine. I tried everything I could find, but can’t fix this. I do a workaround which is after the first attempt to log in and I get the login page again, I change the URL in the browser so that “reauth=1” is changed to “reauth=0”

    Needless to say, this is a real pain. I am using WP network on freeBSD and this is the first time I have had any problems. Is there a way to back off to 4.0?

    Thread Starter brittsantowski


    Hi SeattleLion,

    Are you actually able to log in using the reauth=0? I can get to my login page, but when I log in, two things happen:

    1. I am bumped back to the home page of my website, with NO access to WP login controls; and,

    2. I receive an email notification that someone used the admin account (me) to log in.

    Anyone? Suggestions? I’ve changed the htaccess file to match that of another website that opened fine with 4.0.1, but that made no difference. I’ve renamed all plug-in folders, one at a time, with no results. Oh please please please can someone help me get INSIDE my website?

    Changing reauth=1 to 0 works for me. You may want to go into MySQL and change the admin password in case you were hacked.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    2. I receive an email notification that someone used the admin account (me) to log in.

    WordPress does not send any such notification.

    Have you tried disabling whatever plugin is sending that? If a plugin is doing something like sending an email when you try to login, and you can’t actually log in, then this seems connected to me. Eliminate variables until you solve the problem.

    Also, clear your browser cookies. Or at least, the cookies for that site. Use a different browser too. One you don’t use normally.

    After you login and get “bumped back”, what happens if you go directly to the /wp-admin page?

    Thread Starter brittsantowski


    The notification comes from a plugin called wordfence, and yes I have tried disabling ALL my plugins (including wordfence) and it makes no difference. I can’t get in. I have re-abled wordfence, because it notifies me of all successful and all failed login attempts.

    And when I am theoretically logged in and I go to the wp-admin via direct URL, it bumps me back to the login page.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Being “logged in” with WordPress is really just a matter of having the correct cookies. There’s nothing more to it than that.

    Wrong cookies = not logged in.

    So again, clear your cookies, then disable all plugins, then try to login. The login process should give your browser new and valid cookies.

    Anything might interfere with the login process. Any plugin creating any kind of output at all in the wrong place can stop cookies from working. A theme with a blank line at the beginning or end of the functions.php file will break logins. Things like that.

    To solve login problems is actually fairly straightforward: You eliminate all sources of interference (stop all plugins, switch to the default theme), then you clear your cookies, and then you login. That always, always works. It kinda can’t not work. If it doesn’t work, then your browser is badly broken somehow, or you have some other source of interference on your site.

    I’ve done all that and my log in screen keeps coming up. However, if I change reauth=1 to reauth=0 I can log in. This all started with V4.01.

    Has anyone at WP noted this and investigated what is happening? I am running WP network with three active blogs.

    Thread Starter brittsantowski


    Samuel Wood (Otto), I’ll set all that up on a browser I never use (IE), and delete all cookies prior to doing that.

    I know how to disable all plugins via FTP; how do I get it back to the default theme? Same as disabling all plugins?

    Thanks, I really appreciate your input!

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    You can disable a theme and force it back to the default theme by renaming the theme directory (not the whole /themes directory, mind you). However, this will break your site because you won’t be able to switch the theme back until you login, so I’d not do that just yet. Try the cookie stuff first.

    Looking at your site, I’m not seeing any obvious blank lines or other things that the theme is doing which would break the login process, so it’s likely not the theme. That’s not a guarantee, but definitely try it with just the existing theme first instead of the default one.

    Another thing you can try is to change all the secret salts and keys in the wp-config.php file. These are a set of 8 lines in wp-config.php that look like this:

    define('AUTH_KEY',         'gibberish');
    define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY',  'gibberish');
    define('LOGGED_IN_KEY',    'gibberish');
    define('NONCE_KEY',        'gibberish');
    define('AUTH_SALT',        'gibberish');
    define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'gibberish');
    define('LOGGED_IN_SALT',   'gibberish');
    define('NONCE_SALT',       'gibberish');

    The “gibberish” parts are just random strings. They add to the security of your site. Changing them to something else will invalidate all existing cookies immediately, but have no other serious effects.

    You can generate a new set of random strings by visiting this URL, and then just copy-pasting them into the wp-config.php file:


    Thread Starter brittsantowski


    OK. So, I feel like I’m missing something really stupid.

    I cleared the cache and disabled ALL plugins, I used a browser I never use (EI), AND I also attempted a login on a machine I never use.

    All for naught.

    I also tried renaming the theme’s main folder (magazine-basic changed to magazine-basic-ren) (then cleared the cache/cookies again), and then the URL just returned a blank page.

    I also changed the define strings in the wp-config.php file (then cleared the cache/cookies), and again, I just get bumped back to the outside front page.

    I know it’s not the WordPress version, as I have a number of other websites and they are (mostly) all accessible.

    I have a special ability of really screwing things up. Grin /and/ waaaah!

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Email me. otto at wordpress org. If you give me your credentials, I’ll take a look for you.

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