Unable to access Network Admin dashboard
As a caveat, I have been spending the last few hours going through the support forums to see if I can find a post with similar problems. I have found a few that had some good rec’s for fixups, but Im not entirely sure they are appropriate to my situation. I have also contacted moderators at the IRC, and some people on there were able to partially help me.
I am working in the wake of a cock-up I made earlier today – in attempting to change https://www.gaslighhotel.net/dir into a straight https://www.gaslighhotel.net, I managed to mess up the look of the site to where all that showed up at the url was the link index. Via my host customer service, the change was successfully made to the url I wanted.
However, when I began to use the Dashboard of the WP blog, I began noticing some bugs. One was that I am able to log INTO the dashboard at any time, but every time I wished to navigate away from the dashboard to get a visual of the site, I had to log back in or page backwards into the dashboard. I wouldnt think anything of this except that’s not the way it was set up before I goofed things up with the url change, and I rather liked having the admin menu at the top while working on the site. Now that’s gone. I approached some moderators on WP.org’s IRC page and they asked me to clear the cache, which I did, but nothing changed in regards to that.
Further that, I can still access the dashboard of my SITE quite easily, but whenever I attempt to go into the Network Administrator, all I get is a 404 page. The moderator in the IRC recommended I remove all my plugins, but that is impossible to do at this point because I have to go into the Network Admin dashboard in order to do so. All I can do in the site dashboard is deactivate a plugin. So that’s my second problem.
Third problem is I noticed in looking at my Jetpack statistics page, that March 10th’s talley for referrers came directly from WordPress itself! What does this mean? Is my site “leaking data” or is it vulnerable to hackers in spite of having Askiment as one of my plugins? Im very confused.
Please understand I know very little about the kind of programming thats involved in sites like this. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
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