Hi there,
Thanks for your review, I really appreciate it. I speak no French unfortunately so I have had to rely on Google translate to help me with your comment. I am hoping you may speak some English.
But I will and address your comments below:
1. You are right at the moment the plugin isn’t translated it into any other languages. It does take a long time to do these translations and it does require typically the expertise of people who speak the language. For one of my other plugins I used Google Translate to do these translations but it isn’t fantastic. Would you be able to help me with a French translation?
2. On this point I believe you are asking for a listing of all articles that have been published to LinkedIn by the plugin? If you go to the ‘All Posts’ page where it shows a listing of all your posts you will see the Shared to Linkedin column which will display whether the article has been shared to LinkedIn or not. If this column isn’t enabled it can be enabled from the plugin settings, but it’s normally shown by default.
3. I think you are asking to not share certain categories. The plugin has a setting already for this which enables you to not share certain categories.
I hope this information helps, and let me know if there’s any way I can assist you further. Thanks once again for your positive review, it’s much appreciated!