• [email protected]


    Installed the Ultimate TinyMCE plugin. Once installed, it doesn’t show up in the visual tab. Also, the normal WP writing toolbars and kitchen sink also disappear in the visual view when TinyMCE is activated. (Although the HTML toolbar is still visible)

    Once I deactivate TinyMCE, everything goes back to normal. I figure one of the plugins I have installed creates some kind of incompatibility. I know I can go through one-by-one, deactivating these other plugins and re-activating TinyMCE. To try and save some time, I’m just posting the plugins I do have installed in case there is a known disruption between TinyMCE and one of the plugins I have installed.

    Any help would be great.


    Here’s the plugins I currently have installed.

    All in one SEO Pack
    Better WP Security
    Coin Slider 4 WP
    Contact Form by ContactMe.com
    Custom Post Templates
    Custom Single Post Templates Manager
    Dynanmic Content Gallery
    Easy Social
    Emma Email Signup
    Facebook Comments
    Google Analyticator
    Google XML Sitemaps
    Grid Archives
    Page Links To
    PayPal Donations
    Simple Page Ordering
    Ultimate TinyMCE
    W3 Total Cache
    WP Google Fonts
    WP Youtube channel gallery

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  • Mahalo (thanks) Josh, that was it, a da… check the obvious!

    @ akamaigirl77,

    Glad you got it working. With everything becoming so automated for us these days… it’s becoming easier and easier to overlook the obvious!

    @ Aedryan,

    Well, is there any plugin in particular which is adding enough buttons to the top row, that just by changing it would free up enough space? Or do we need to do two plugins? The fewer plugins we have to “re-code”, the less hassle on your part when updating.

    If one plugin will do it, what’s the name of that plugin?

    Thanks again for your help here, Josh. >8>) To answer your question… Well… As I had said, I don’t have any of Ultimate TinyMCE’s features activated on row 1. BUT, it seems that pretty much all of row 1 is populated by default. So, there doesn’t appear to be any way to free up so much as 1 slot on row 1, unless i’m missing something…

    So… 4 of the short code buttons for my theme + 4 of the short code buttons for my WP Socializer plugin + 1 short code button for the PHP Snippets plugin + 1 button for my Easy Columns plugin are “stuck” on the first line. So, there are 10 buttons (4 from my theme + 6 from 3 different plugins), which extend beyond where row 1 should end…

    So, what would you suggest, Josh?

    It’s a shame this has to happen. I mean, it’s still usable, but it’s a pain in the a$$. I wish the author would make a new version of the plugin with drag n drop capability…

    ~ Aedryan

    Well, actually I’m the author of the Ultimate Tinymce plugin ?? But I am working on a drag and drop… which you can see a “preview” of here:

    Okay, let’s start with the WP Socializer plugin.

    1. Open up the ‘wp-socializer.php’ file in your editor. I user Dreamweaver, but Notepad++ is a nice free one. You need one which has line numbers.
    2. Beginning on line 1566, you will see this function:

    function wpsr_add_wpsr_button() {
    	if (!current_user_can('edit_posts') && ! current_user_can('edit_pages'))
    	if ( get_user_option('rich_editing') == 'true') {
    		add_filter("mce_external_plugins", "wpsr_add_wpsrbutton_tinymce");
    		add_filter('mce_buttons', 'wpsr_register_wpsrbutton_tinymce');

    See the line that says mce_buttons? This is the name for row 1. You can change it to any of the following:

    mce_buttons_2 (row 2)
    mce_buttons_3 (row 3)
    mce_buttons_4 (row 4)

    Start with that and let me know how you do.

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