• Hi Everyone,

    I hope someone can help me out with this as this is my final thing I need to nail to get my account setup on my WP site. I am trying to ensure that a user can set their password through the welcome email. I’ve installed the Ultimate Member Extended plugin and configured my php and welcome email to include the {set_password_link}.

    Here are the instructions from Ultimate Member on how to configure a set password link in the welcome email: https://docs.ultimatemember.com/article/1928-triggering-the-set-your-password-link-in-the-welcome-email-with-all-import-pro

    My welcome email, it is pretty much default outside of incorporating the the {set_password_link}.

    <div style="max-width: 560px;padding: 20px;background: #ffffff;border-radius: 5px;margin:40px auto;font-family: Open Sans,Helvetica,Arial;font-size: 15px;color: #666">

    <div style="color: #444444;font-weight: normal">
    <div style="text-align: center;font-weight:600;font-size:26px;padding: 10px 0;border-bottom: solid 3px #eeeeee">{site_name}</div>

    <div style="clear:both"></div>

    <div style="padding: 0 30px 30px 30px;border-bottom: 3px solid #eeeeee">

    <div style="padding: 30px 0;font-size: 24px;text-align: center;line-height: 40px">Thank you for signing up! <span>Your account is now active.</span></div>

    <div style="padding: 10px 0 50px 0;text-align: center"><a href="{set_password_link}" style="background: #555555;color: #fff;padding: 12px 30px;text-decoration: none;border-radius: 3px;letter-spacing: 0.3px">Set Your Password</a></div>

    <div style="padding: 10px 0 50px 0;text-align: center"><a href="{action_url}" style="background: #555555;color: #fff;padding: 12px 30px;text-decoration: none;border-radius: 3px;letter-spacing: 0.3px">{action_title}</a></div>

    <div style="padding:20px">If you have any problems, please contact us at <a href="mailto:{admin_email}" style="color: #3ba1da;text-decoration: none">{admin_email}</a></div>


    <div style="color: #999;padding: 20px 30px">

    <div>Thank you!</div>
    <div>The <a href="{site_url}" style="color: #3ba1da;text-decoration: none">{site_name}</a> Team</div>



    Oddly enough the first button that has set password does not link to it, the second one with {action_url} does.

    I am probably missing something simple that I don’t even realize. I have a forgot password page that works great to reset a user’s password. I customized it but it is using the [ultimatemember_password] shortcode and I have that page ID set to the password reset page in Ultimate Member settings as well. If a user that has an account goes to forgot password and sends themselves a link to their emial to reset their password, that link brings them back to the forgot password page and lets them reset it. So I’m not sure why that page can’t set the password as well with the shortcode.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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