• Hi,
    I’m setting up Ultimate Member.
    The Register works fine.
    The Login however leads, after filling in the fields, to a page with an avatar of the member although i want i to redirect (after login) directly to a specifice page.
    How can i do this ?

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  • hey @jcimb,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Yes, I tried it way before at the time I was stuck on this problem but it’s not working for me,
    Is there any other solution please suggest me.

    After updating to WP core 5.5.1, redirection on register is no longer working. Please advise on how to resolve!

    @tomreadhk i cant find any solution to do that.

    Hello everyone, this problem is not due to the plugin, indeed I thought like you and I searched where it came from!

    It is thus obviously necessary to put the redirection link in “Ultimate Member” BUT, it is especially necessary to attribute this role to the user, this is the reason why the redirection is not taken into account …

    You must therefore go to “Users”.

    Click on “Edit”.

    Then you have to assign a role to it (the role that has the redirection in question), once the role has been assigned and everything is saved, normally everything is ok ??

    Sorry for my english, i hope i help you !


    I got a different easy solution:

    After trying everything posted before, still no redirect was working.
    But after all, I was trying to redirect user roles that were native from WP.

    I created a new Ultimate Member role and assigned a user to it.
    The role has no special config, but a redirect to a specific URL after Login (in the form of https://xyz.com/target/).

    When I log in with this user, redirect works.
    When I log in with a native WP user, no redirect works.

    The login option in the form configuration is still default, but a general redirect probably works for UM users.

    Hope this helps

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by sibeahr.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by sibeahr.

    For those that want the solution:
    Edit the role you want to redirect.
    In the “Redirect to Specific URL” filed build your field this way:

    Make sure to click save/apply!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Matt Lipscomb.

    I see how to send the login and register pages to a custom webpage after submit but how would i get the user/profile page to redirect after pressing update profile? I see html of which seemed to work but I am using a form for the update, would I put the html in the form? No php pls!

    Here’s what worked and didn’t work for me:
    -Using both the user role redirect AND the form redirect? Nope
    -Using only the user role redirect, and setting the form redirect to default? Yep

    If you didn’t read this hole thread:
    UM-> User roles-> Subscriber-> Action to be taken: Redirect-> “Update Role”
    UM-> Forms-> Default login-> Edit-> Redirection after login: Default-> “Update”

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