Hello (@gvectorssupport),
Thank you for the reply, i tried what you said and removed all the previous codes that I put in the functions.php.
But, the problem persist…
i tried to clean all caches, and browser cookies too…but the same problem…
During the tests now, I noticed that the PROFILE IMAGE link next to the commentary is working normally, directing to the UM profile.
But, the link about the name of the user just above the comment, it is that this problem, only it is pointing to the main page of the site … and not to the profile just like the profile picture.
See this, when i click on the PROFILE PICTURE on the side, it's working! and, when i use the inspect browser tool on the profile picture i can see the working link to profile too...
<div id="wc-comm-377_0" class="wc-comment wc-blog-user wc-blog-author wc_comment_level-1">
<div class="wc-comment-left ">
<div class="wpd-xborder"></div>
<a href="https://www.my-site-EXAMPLE.com/usuario/sulean/" target="_blank">
<img onerror="this.src='https://www.my-site-EXAMPLE.com/plugins/ultimate-member/assets/img/default_avatar.jpg';" src="https://www.my-site-EXAMPLE.com/plugins/ultimate-member/assets/img/default_avatar.jpg" class="func-um_user gravatar avatar avatar-64 um-avatar um-avatar-default" alt="Sulean " nymphetamine"="" moura"="" width="64" height="64"></a>
<div class="wc-blog-user wc-blog-author wc-comment-label"><span>Membro</span></div></div>
But, when i use the inspect browser tool on the comment author name, i can only be redirected to the main site....not to the profile.
<div id="comment-377" class="wc-comment-right ">
<div class="wc-comment-header">
<div class="wc-comment-author "><a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.my-site-EXAMPLE.com" target="_blank">Sulean "Nymphetamine" Moura</a></div>
<div class="wc-comment-link"></div>
<div class="wpdiscuz_clear"></div>
<div class="wc-comment-text"><p>EXAMPLE</p></div>
<div class="wc-comment-footer">
I honestly do not know what could be wrong, I do not know if they can help me solve this problem …
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by