• Resolved vickyt


    I am using wordpress 3.4.1 & twenty eleven theme.

    I installed the ultimate-category-excluder.0.8 & checked the Catogories those I do not wish to display.

    Yet all categories are displaying even if i use the catagory widget with Pulldown or plain listing configuration.

    I am not a programmer/coder but can surely do some cut/copy/paste of codes.

    How can I get it working?


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  • I’m sorry you’re having trouble. I think you are saying that the category names are displaying in widgets. Is that correct? Are the posts in those categories appearing on your site’s home page? On the archive pages?

    What is your site’s URL so I can see exactly what you’re talking about. What version of PHP and MySQL is your server running? You might want to upgrade to WordPress 3.4.2, it fixes some bugs in WP 3.4.1. Send me an email if you don’t want to make your version info public.

    Thanks for your email. Wow, you have got a lot of categories. I think you’re using them wrong. From looking at the list, I think you are using them like tags. Categories are usually a bit more broad, such as “Technology” “Hardware” “Software” “Microsoft” “Apple”. Then you use tags to break the categories into smaller units. What you’ve got now is totally fine, it’s just not real helpful to the end user.

    Regardless, the plugin should work fine. What categories are you trying to hide on the home page? Or on the archive page?

    Thread Starter vickyt


    Michael, I have RSS Feed syndicate plugin that have created these many Catogories + a few that I have created myself.

    I have tried using ultimate-category-excluder.0.8 to hide Catogories in all possible different combinations but nothings work. They just display all the time, everywhere.

    I’m trying to differentiate between the actual posts that are in each category, and the list of category names. UCE only blocks the appearance of the posts in the selected categories. It does not affect the listing of category names in widgets. If you only want a few categories to appear on your sidebar, you’ll either need to enter html code into a text widget; or craft the exclusions in your theme. Does that all make sense? I think I’m understanding what you’re trying to do now. If not, let me know.

    OK, thanks. Marking as resolved.

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