I don’t know the caus of this issue. I only see that on activity stream the main container is wider so there is less place for widgets. Widgets work properly on each other page.
I changed template to page with sidebar but it doesn’t help. I don’t see that theme author reffered to youzify widhets:
All content including the sidebar inside “activity” page is coming from the plugin.
You can set a page template to see this, edit the page and on the right side of the page editor screen, set “Template” to something else like “Page with sidebar”.
This way, you will notice the sidebar that is from the theme is different than the current sidebar (from the plugin).
Currently, it is set to “Default template”. Means, no sidebar.
Lastly, if you look at the overall HTML for the activity page:
<div class="youzify-right-sidebar-layout"> <div class="youzify-main-column"> ... </div> <div class="youzify-sidebar-column youzify-sidebar youzify-right-sidebar"> ... </div> </div>
You can clearly see the sidebar and this layout (page content) is coming from the plugin. So, the page content itself outputs the main area and sidebar.
That is not a sidebar from the theme, hence why it looks different.
What sure is different that menu of the stream page is sitewide and is I guess the cause of this issue.