If You have access to Your wp-admin, that is a really good progress.
I have read more about the theme You are using. Generally speaking, You only lose any kind of data (meaning: delete) when You delete a theme also, simply by activating an other theme does not delete data.
Your licence is valid for Your domain name, that means, if You, let’s say, move to a new server, or Your site get’s hacked, and You need to reinstall a theme or plugin, there is no need to purchase a theme or a plugin again, because You have purchased the licence for a single site, or in other words, a single domain name.
Having said that, I see that Your site is loading with the theme, so I think You should try to backtrace the various error messages You get.
What does the WordPress update page say now? Is there any plugin or theme that still need updating?
The error message You have posted, now points to the plugin vibe-course-module. However, the strange thing I noticed, in both error messages there is a mention for bp
, which I think stands for BuddyPress. Is BuddyPress up and running on Your WordPress installation?