• So I just got finished watching the latest iPhone video (yeah I know.. I’m late by a couple days..) and one thing I really liked was what the typepad folks are doing for the iphone..

    Do we have anything like that available to us? It seems like mobile posting is one of the latest hot ideas and I admit I’d probably use it. Plus with the iphone sdk out and about now it seems like it shouldn’t be too hard.

    If we don’t have something like that already available to us, its something I’d consider writing if other folks think there is any worth in it..

    I’ve never used typepad so I don’t know if their setup makes this sort of thing inherently easier to do, but hell writing a remote posting plugin can’t be that hard..

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  • I would love a native iPhone app that could at least post to wordpress inc image support from the camera roll.

    The Typepad app copied would be a great start, but further down the line I would like the native app to have admin elements in to delete/add pages, comments etc. The new iPhone firmware can now pass position data to 3rd part apps, and the built in camera app now does geotagging. It would be great to have an option to tag a post by location. I could see something interesting, take a picture, add a quick note and then this can be posted to my blog. When viewing the blog post, the location could be a link to see a mini map in google. Would be v cool.

    WordPress for iPhone is now available.

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