you possibly need to use a conditional tag for each button;
<div id="homeBtn"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url');?>/" title="District Agency Home Page" <?php if( is_home() ) echo 'class="current"'; ?>><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory');?>/images/homeBtn-norm.png" alt="Home Button" /></a></div>
analog for the other menu tabs, with is_page('what-we-do')
or with is_category('case-study')
and so on…
and add corresponding styles to style.css;
example (to make the .current look like the hover):
#who-we-are_btn-2-state_button li a.current { background-position: left -39px; }
and optional hover state:
#who-we-are_btn-2-state_button li a.current:hover { background-position: left -0px; }