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  • Well, this may not be the correct way of doing it, but I did it via the phpmyAdmin and edited the record manually.
    But it’s probably best to wait for other answers by more knowledgable users.
    Hope that helps.


    There are two of us that run our blog and it’d be nice to set up 2 level 10 admins.

    Any feedback on this besides what is posted here? Thanks.

    as planetphillip siad, I was only able to do this by editing the uer table in phpMyAdmin…. the WP interface wouldn’t let me do it through the admin user page. I tried…. once the second user hit 9, the + button went away…..

    i have done it before and works fine. just do it from phpmyadmin and it works fine.

    would somebody be kind enough to get more specific about how a newbie might go about making this change? We have a three person blog…
    Is it a matter of changing part of a php file?
    I trust I can follow a set of specific instructions with suitably defined terms.
    Click the wp_users table as shown, then scroll right. You will see the user_level.
    Now scroll back left, click the edit link as shown on the page above, edit the level to whatever, then click Go.
    Do be careful in there though !
    I’ve not done this, but if it works with the password, it should work with everything else there.

    Hey thanks!
    I figured it out.

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