• Hi,
    Since I updated wordpress to 4.9.3 I have a lot of issues.

    One of them is two head tags. Edge tell me I have multiple head tags and html tags. Futhermore, in my header.php file I have my head tag with all my code that’s supossed to be between those tags. However, with both chrome and edge devtools I see those codes between the body tag and some google api script between the head tag.

    After the <head> </head> I have my body tag then right after it I have &#65279 that’s make a kind of space between my body div and my header div. I don’t know if I fix the first issue these will be fixed aswell.

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  • Thread Starter geekinside


    Even If I remove everything from home.php I still have a empty <head></head> tag with <body>&#65279</body>

    Thread Starter geekinside


    After hours I found something. With chrome devtool I see a red dot before the doctype, when I mouse over it I see /ufeff.

    The /ufeff is probably the issue here and after some researches I have to convert the file to utf-8 without bom. However, I don’t see how. Notepad++ doesn’t have the option to convert utf-8 without bom anymore.

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