Hi @stefangroenveld!
I just scoured our support forum (both for the basic and pro versions of our product) and I am not seeing any tickets from you. We are more than happy to help you get back into your site, if you’ve locked yourself out.
One of the realities of making a really good system for keeping folks out of your site is that it’s definitely possible to lock yourself out inadvertently. So we have a simple (one line of code!) addition for folks to add to their wp-config.php
file that allows you to deactivate Solid Security’s features in order to reset things so that you’re not locked out. On top of that, once you do get logged back in, if you run into the same trouble again it’s super-simple to troubleshoot and we’re happy to help.
Getting technical support in WordPress can be harrowing, but reaching out on our support forums would have been a much better idea than spending hours frustrated with your site!
If you’re still interested in all of the benefits of Solid Security (now that you’ve tested and confirmed that our 2-Factor authentication process is highly effective at keeping out bad actors!) I’m happy to help. Here’s the code that you’ll need (add it anywhere above the “that’s all!…” line)
define('ITSEC_DISABLE_MODULES', true);
We have this article on all the best ways to edit the wp-config.php
file, but the short version is “ask your host for help” because most of them can point you directly to that process specifically for their environment.
Bottom line, I’d love to earn back those missing stars in your review. Don’t hesitate to reach out.
Have a great day!