• Hello.
    I have a blog with a lot of posts in a category and some few in other categories. The big category has child sub categories in it and I show them in a drop-down menu, excluding the others. But when I want to put the excluded categories in a normal list under the drop down menu, nothing shows. Apparently, the exclude command in the first menu works for all the list in the page…
    Is there some way to fix this?
    Thanks in advance.


    PD: the blog is here.

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  • Have you looked this page?


    same problem here, and the loop sounds a bit too paul king to me.
    i am reading and lerning every day, but i have not yet arrived where i am heading ??

    i tried the “rewind_posts” thingy and then list the cats again,
    but the above excluded ones were still excluded…

    can one give us an example what to do? ??

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