• Hello to everyone, and thanks in advance for your answers !

    I created two blogs on my website with wordpress. One as a “simple blog” and another with “buddypress” to create a social network.
    I’ve done in 2 different directory , and with two different databases.

    But Now. I have a problem with it, just because sometimes i go to blog “a” and sometimes to “buddypress”
    I think it can be a .htacces problem but i don’t know how to solve.
    Here is a copy paste of my .htacces file. that is in my root directory.

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /dos/
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /dos/index.php [L]

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /net/
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /net/index.php [L]

    Can anybody helpme to find a answer?

    Thanks again “

    Spanish translation here.

    Saludos a tod@s. Y gracias por adelantado por vuestras respuestas.

    He creado en mi web dos blogs con wordpress. Uno como un “simple blog” y otro con “buddypress” para crear una red social.
    He hecho las instalaciones en 2 directorios diferentes, y con dos bases de datos diferentes.
    Ahora bien. Me encuentro con el problema que por ejemplo no me deja crear páginas en el blog, el mensaje de error me envia al budypress. Tengo la intuición que el problema puede venir por el .htacces que està instalado en el directorio raiz de mi servidor.
    Podeis Orientarme, por favor, de los pasos a seguir para no seguir teniendo este problema?

    Muchas gracias de nuevo, y saludos !

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  • check the table_prefix in both of the blogs’wp-config.php
    they must be different if using same database

    Thread Starter joanalb


    Thanks Samboll for your answer.

    The fact is that i’ve changed tableprefix in “wp-config.php” in my buddypress blog, but i have the same problem. When I make Click to any link, it takes me to a “page error” of my other blog installed in my server.
    I have two differents directory, and Two differents databases.
    but only a .htacces file. I Think the problem is on there. i’ts the only comun file. i don’t know how to tell to .htaccess file that there is two wordpress blogs in the same server. I don’t know if the problem comes this way, or “permanent links”
    Up on this words i’d made aCopy Paste of my actual .htacces content.
    on wordpress blog is on directory /dos and the buudypress blog is on /net directory.

    Thanks again, samboll for your help !


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