• Resolved akanichiyoubi


    I searched for this topic and found many, but none of them answered my question.

    I manage my work site. It is through wordpress with a custom theme. The blog portion is a page with a separate static home page. We want to split our blog page in two so that we but insights in one and things about our culture in the other. No changes to theme or anything, just split. I can create another page with ‘Blog Page’ as the template, but when I preview it, it automatically shows the original blog entries, so I would essentially have two identical blogs on the site. Is there a way to tell certain posts to go to one and certain posts to go to another?

    No I do not want to just split them up by category, I want them on separate blog pages.

    No I do not want to use a widget if I do not have to.

    I mean, I can automatically have more than one blog from what I can see, I can just add another page in blog format, but there has to be a way to make it so it isn’t just two identical ones.


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  • Thread Starter akanichiyoubi


    I don’t know how else to explain it. I have one blog page. I want the illusion of two, just with only one category of posts listed on one blog page, and the other category of posts listed in the other so it gives the illusion of two blogs.

    This is the site, not sure how it will help: https://www.outsell.com/site/

    Insights is where the blog page is.


    The whole site appears to be built on WP, not just the blog.

    The ‘Insights’ page is what you call your blog and looks like a category page, but you’re saying it’s actually a Page with a page_blog.php template. You can copy that template, rename it and at the top of that file, within already existing comment tags, rename it there as well – then upload it. You’ll then have two identical Page templates with different names. Just make sure the different query posts bit goes before each loop – hopefully that will do the trick.

    This is all flying blind but looking at the source it sounds like you’ve got a Page with an ID of 96 that has been dragged into your top menu. You therefore need to create a similar Page from within Admin but using your new template instead, and then drag that into your menu e.g. beside your ‘Insights’ menu item.

    Personally I would fork out the $$ and get someone to do it for you.

    create two categories and then add them to your top menu via appearance -> menus (you can mix n match cats and pages in custom menus). then when creating new post entries assign each entry to ONLY the relevant category.

    when someone clicks on say category A they’ll be taken to a page that lists ONLY posts that have been assigned to category A. same with category B.

    What you can’t do is create a page and split it into two, it just doesn’t work that way! you could create two categories to go UNDER the insights menu link in your custom menu and have them as a dropdown menu option and keep the insights link as an aggregator of all posts (but you’d need to add each post to either cat A/cat B and the insights category.

    wordpress is very flexible if you use it the way it works!

    Thread Starter akanichiyoubi


    Thank you. I will see if I can make any sense of this, but we are having our site rebuilt in the near future, so maybe I will just wait and have them do this with our developers when they implement the new creative, rather than try and mess things up myself.

    Ruth at Virtual Balance


    I haven’t read through all of this in detail yet, but I just want to say I understand perfectly what akanichiyoubi wants, and I don’t think it’s that difficult! I think the confusion might be in the use of the word “blog” to mean two different things.

    I suspect that akanichiyoubi is using WordPress to create a CMS website, not a “blog” in the traditional sense. On his website he wants a page of news articles, perhaps, which will be events and promotions from his business, and then he wants a “blog”, i.e. a sort of diary or journal or something like a newspaper column in which he can write more thoughtful articles about whatever he wants.

    Another possibility is that you have a membership site where every member has their own blog page to promote their own business, so you could have a very large number of “blogs” on one site.

    I want to make two blog pages, one which will be for articles in the normal way. The other one will have a large number of “posts” which won’t actually be posts as such – they will be the details of all my members’ businesses. I’m using posts instead of pages because I need to have categories and tags, and so I can’t use the idea of having categories as someone has suggested (and I really don’t understand the logic of that at all)

    So now let me read through all this and see if any of it is helpful!

    Ruth at Virtual Balance


    akanichiyoubi, if you’re still around and subscribing to this thread, I have an answer!
    It might not be ideal but this is it:
    First of all, I’m working with WordPress Weaver themes – I very rarely use any others. I’m making a directory, as I said above, and I want one page for it and one page for a normal blog.
    I have a parent category “Directory” which will be on all the posts I do about my members. So one business will be categorised “Directory – social media”, another will be “Directory – accountant” but ALL will have the parent category “Directory”
    So now I have 3 “blog” pages. The first is the normal one where everything shows up.
    Next is the Directory page which is a “page with posts” and in the tickbox I have said ONLY show the category “directory”. (The parent category includes the sub-cats.)
    Then is the Article page (another page-with-posts) where I have said DO NOT show the category “directory”.
    Now I put both the Articles and the Directory pages on my custom menu but not the “Blog” page so nobody can see it. I might not even have the Directory page there because I’m using a widget to search within the category so I might decide I don’t want the whole thing showing.
    Anybody interested in knowing more, reply to this thread and I’ll contact you direct.

    I have virtually identical aspirations for my CMS as has been described by akanichiyoubi but have it set up tentatively almost as suggested by Ruth at Virtual Balance. The difference is that I am using TwentyTen, I created a page named Combined Blog and assigned it to be for the full blog, I created two Menu items named Blog and Issues as categories (reflecting the different categories for my assorted posts) from my “page” menu, but I didn’t worry about making the categories children of a Combined Blog category. I then excluded the Combined Blog from my menu leaving only the two category pages available to view. While it works fine it is not what I’m really after.
    My dissatisfactions with this structure are that:
    (a) the two category “pages” look like category pages (which they are) as they display only extracts of posts; and
    (b) if I was to work out how to present whole posts (rather than extracts) in each category page (which is presumably readily achievable) then I would also presumably forgo the present benefit of being able to continue to have archives of each category of blog displayed in their present standard format as extracts in Archive Categories.
    One strategy I tried and couldn’t make work was I created an extra page in my theme by copying page.php to a new page template which I set up and named separated-blog.php then added <?php query_posts(‘cat=58&showposts=2′); ?>’) ahead of the start of the loop. If this had have worked I was thinking of adding another page with (‘cat=48&showposts=8’).
    If anyone with more expertise than me can take this to the next level I would welcome it.

    Thread Starter akanichiyoubi


    I did eventually get this fixed, but by going to the IT guy. ?? It had something to do with categories, but I am not sure how it was done.


    I arrived at this post because I am after the same thing as you were. I too manage a CMS site with a blog feature. My site is new and currently under construction and I have been round and round trying to find a professional looking theme. I took a glance at your site because I noted it was completely managed through wordpress. If you don’t mind my asking, what theme are you using for your website? It looks great! Polished and professional…not too typical of the usual lackluster WP themes.


    Ruth at Virtual Balance

    I’m working with wordpress boldy theme and I am also trying to create a directory for business listings which is searchable, but i also want to set up a resource blog separately that is similar to the business listings directory but without the need to be searchable. Similiar to this sites info: https://www.oponeo.co.uk/tyre-articles Any help would be appreciated.


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