Rest assured we spent some time to learn all of the ins and outs of what Apple podcasts (previously iTunes) needs. We’ve been developing podcasting solutions since 2005 and PowerPress since 2008. If we give you advice for PowerPress it will be the best advice you can get for podcasting, I personally guarantee that.
This is your feed that you gave to Apple podcasts: https://alibrown.com/category/glambition/feed/ If you look at the source code of this in a browser such as Firefox or Chrome, you can see the sections called <item> and then look at the tags that are there. Currently you only have an <itunes:summary> and a <description> tags. If you enable the option Shawn mentioned with the “Full Text”, WordPress will add a new tag to each <item> called <content:encoded>. This will solve your Stitcher issue and the Apple podcasts issue when someone is subscribed to your podcast and then views your show notes. If you turn off “Full Text”, then you will not have <content:encoded> add to each <item> and you will continue to have the problem you see at the moment.
The Summary / Full Text setting in WordPress only does one thing, to include /exclude the content:encoded version (HTML markup version) of your blog post in your feeds.
Stitcher specifically can pull in all the HTML formatting such as your bullet lists and web links in the <content:encoded> field. To see an example of a podcast which uses our PowerPress plugin with the <content:encoded> tag, see our CEO’s podcast on Stitcher here: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/geek-news-central-podcast/geek-news-central-audio
When someone views your podcast on Apple podcasts who is not subscribed, the <itunes:summary> is used. I just took a peak at your latest episode listing on Apple and it looks great, it is correctly using your <itunes:summary> tag. ref: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kelly-roach-business-growth-coach-glambition-radio/id799805829?i=1000441288601
This is complicated and don’t blame me for this, but Apple Podcast directory uses the <itunes:summary> while the iOS podcast app uses the <content:encoded> for subscribed users and the <itunes:summary> when your browsing the apple podcast directory from the app.
It currently appears you did not make this change advised by Shawn. If you did make the change and changed it back out of frustration, please change it back again to “Full Text” and leave it for a few weeks minimum. Remember, podcasting is a pull technology, not push. When you make a change, you have to wait for a 4-72 hours for most podcast apps and directories to check your podcast feed for changes. It is not instant, though some services such as Google Podcasts are bridging that gab with updates that take less than an hour, Apple podcasts and Stitcher are not there yet.
If “Full Text” is selected in WordPress Settings, then you have a server caching issue because the tag is still not appearing in your feeds. Please contact your web hosting to find out how you can clear your site cache. Once cleared, you should be able to view your feed in a browser and see under each <item> a <content:encoded> value.