• Resolved leylap


    Please, please, please can anyone tell me how to get rid of this STUPID TwitterAPI login box that keeps coming up on my site!?

    I’ve checked the plugins and none of them relate to Twitter. I have no idea where it’s coming from! The plugins I have are:

    AddToAny: Share/Bookmark/Email Button
    Add to Footer
    Auto-hyperlink URLs
    Autolink URI
    BBpress Integration
    BBpress Latest Discussions
    bbPress Live
    Blog Summary
    BuddyPress Forum Topic Mover
    BuddyPress Group Forums – Move Topic
    CDN Tools
    Cimy Counter
    Embed Facebook
    Excerpt Editor
    Facebook Comment Control
    Facebook Dashboard Widget
    Facebook Like Count
    Facebook Like for Tags
    Facebook Members
    Fast Secure Contact Form
    Forum Post Notification
    Full Circle
    Hello Dolly
    MiniMeta Widget
    NND Facebook Gravatar Grabber
    Nofollow Case by Casy
    Permalinks Moved Permanently
    Post video players, slideshow albums, photo galleries and music/podcast playlist
    SEO Slugs
    SEO Smart Links
    Subscribe Remind
    Subscribe to Comments
    TAC (Theme Authenticity Checker)
    Thank Me Later
    Top Commentators Widget
    Use Google Libraries
    Wordpress Facebook Fan Box Widge
    Wordpress Importer
    Wordpress Related Posts
    WP Super Cache

    My site is https://www.motherhooddiaries.com

    If it is integrated into the theme, how do I get rid of it?

    If anyone can help me then Christmas will come early for me this year because I feel like I’ve tried everything and hit a wall ??

    Thank you so much in advance!!

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Standard Debugging.

    Turn off ALL your plugins. See if it goes away. If it does, turn ’em back on one at a time.

    Thread Starter leylap


    I have tried that!!!!!!! ??

    Thread Starter leylap


    I’m just frustrated so apologies for the many posts. I’ve contacted Twitter

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Remember in another post when I told you to Remove Twitter from your site?

    Do me a HUGE favor.

    Go to your site and scroll down ALL THE WAY to the bottom where it has a sidebar widget for “The best of the tweets”

    See that? Okay. Now go into your Admin->Apperance->Widgets section and find the one you put in for that. Remove it. Your problem will go away.

    The ONLY way you have this problem is when Twitter is being stupid. They will, eventually, sort it out, but if you want to have Twitter on the front page of your site, you will have this problem off and on. There’s nothing you can do to stop it.

    Thread Starter leylap


    I don’t have the best of the tweets on my site! Where did you see that? I have looked at my widget section before and checked whether there was anything to do with Twitter there and there isn’t. That was one of the first things I did before i deactivated all my plugins.

    Unless my 38 week pregnancy is getting to my brain, all I have as widgets are:

    Recent posts, pages, search, minimeta widget, tag cloud, calendar, archives, recent comments and categories. That’s all! Where is the widget for the best of the tweets??

    Thread Starter leylap


    OMG looks like you’re right. The sneaky widget seems to be integrated into the theme!

    <div class=”sidebar2″>
    <?php if (!art_sidebar(2)): ?>
    <div class=”Block”>
    <div class=”Block-tl”></div>
    <div class=”Block-tr”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”Block-bl”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”Block-br”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”Block-tc”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”Block-bc”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”Block-cl”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”Block-cr”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”Block-cc”></div>
    <div class=”Block-body”>
    <div class=”BlockHeader”>
    <div class=”header-tag-icon”>
    <div class=”BlockHeader-text”>
    <?php _e(‘Categories’, ‘kubrick’); ?>
    <div class=”l”></div>
    <div class=”r”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”BlockContent”>
    <div class=”BlockContent-body”>

      <?php wp_list_categories(‘show_count=1&title_li=’); ?>


    <div class=”Block”>
    <div class=”Block-tl”></div>
    <div class=”Block-tr”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”Block-bl”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”Block-br”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”Block-tc”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”Block-bc”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”Block-cl”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”Block-cr”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”Block-cc”></div>
    <div class=”Block-body”>
    <div class=”BlockHeader”>
    <div class=”header-tag-icon”>
    <div class=”BlockHeader-text”>
    <?php _e(‘Links:’, ‘kubrick’); ?>
    <div class=”l”></div>
    <div class=”r”><div></div></div>
    <div class=”BlockContent”>
    <div class=”BlockContent-body”>

      <?php wp_list_bookmarks(‘title_li=&categorize=0’); ?>



    <?php endif ?>
    <script src=”https://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js”></script&gt;
    new TWTR.Widget({
    version: 2,
    type: ‘faves’,
    rpp: 10,
    interval: 6000,
    title: ‘The best of the tweets’,
    subject: ”,
    width: ‘auto’,
    height: 300,
    theme: {
    shell: {
    background: ‘#380c0e’,
    color: ‘#ffffff’
    tweets: {
    background: ‘#ffffff’,
    color: ‘#000000’,
    links: ‘#300d13’
    features: {
    scrollbar: true,
    loop: false,
    live: true,
    hashtags: true,
    timestamp: true,
    avatars: true,
    behavior: ‘all’

    Am I able to just remove all of this because it doesn’t show up in the widgets menu. Thank you for spotting that, I didn’t see it at all from my browser! How annoying!

    Thread Starter leylap


    I understand your irritation so thank you so much for your help

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Ah… Someone hard coded that?

    Shoot ’em! That’s sloppy themeing!

    Thread Starter leylap


    I removed the “best of the tweets” part of the coding and it’s still showing up. I will do more than shoot them! AARGH!!

    Thanks for your help anyway Ipstenu… back to the drawing board…

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Looking at the code…

    php if (!art_sidebar(2))

    This means if you AREN’T using the sidebar art #2, it’ll show that. Do you have any unused sidebar sections named Art? Toss a blank text widget in them. See if that helps.

    Thread Starter leylap


    Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean ??

    Sidebar 2 holds search, minimeta widget, tag cloud, calendar, archives, recent comments and categories. (Sidebar 1 has just recent posts and pages)

    But I do have a first footer widget area, a second footer widget area, a third footer widget area and a fourth footer widget area and they’re all blank?? If I don’t add anything to these areas does wordpress automatically add stuff on there?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I’m not familiar with your theme, so … at a guess, no, don’t mess with the other widget areas.

    If I don’t add anything to these areas does wordpress automatically add stuff on there?

    Your THEME automatically adds stuff in the widget areas if you don’t.

    I don’t do a lot of theme debugging but … All you SHOULD have to remove was this:

    <script src="https://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js"></script>
    new TWTR.Widget({
    version: 2,
    type: 'faves',
    rpp: 10,
    interval: 6000,
    title: 'The best of the tweets',
    subject: '',
    width: 'auto',
    height: 300,
    theme: {
    shell: {
    background: '#380c0e',
    color: '#ffffff'
    tweets: {
    background: '#ffffff',
    color: '#000000',
    links: '#300d13'
    features: {
    scrollbar: true,
    loop: false,
    live: true,
    hashtags: true,
    timestamp: true,
    avatars: true,
    behavior: 'all'

    Can you post your whole sidebar.php file to https://wordpress.pastebin.com/ ?

    Thread Starter leylap


    Ok I see. Well thanks for all your help on this. I’m going to give up for now and try again tomorrow. I’ve been working out how to remove this damn tweet login box all day and I’m not really getting anywhere ??

    Thanks again!

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