• Mike Kohn


    Hi all.

    Does anybody know if Twitter Tools is going to maintain compatibility with v1.1 of Twitter’s API? Twitter is now requiring certain display guidelines including having retweet, favorite, and reply actions on every tweet that’s displayed using their API. Nobody is sure yet how heavy-handed Twitter is going to be with these new requirements (no longer guidelines), but Twitter Tools certainly doesn’t comply with them. I have dozen of clients using the plugin, so it’d be nice to know if Twitter Tools is intending to update their compatibility.



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  • I’m wondering the same thing myself. My gut says that Twitter Tools won’t work after March 2013 when Twitter’s new rules go into place, but that’s just a guess.

    Hi Mike, Michael ??

    I just updated twitter tools to the latest version with my new WP version 3.3.2.

    Now my daily didgest seems not to work anymore.

    Is it because I have to change the twitter account information according to new twitter API or is it because I changed the code to also get my RTs

    define(‘AKTT_API_USER_TIMELINE’, ‘https://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline.json’);

    …now reads:

    define(‘AKTT_API_USER_TIMELINE’, ‘https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?include_rts=true’);

    I desperately want this tool to work (with getting my RTs) or is there any alternative?

    Have a great day anyway!


    I had problems with Twitter Tools because Twitter changed his API on September 25th.

    I’ve resolved the problem editing the file twitter-tools.php. Change the following lines:

    define('AKTT_API_POST_STATUS', 'https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.json');
    define('AKTT_API_USER_TIMELINE', 'https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json');
    define('AKTT_API_STATUS_SHOW', 'https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/show/###ID###.json');
    define('AKTT_PROFILE_URL', 'https://api.twitter.com/1/###USERNAME###');
    define('AKTT_STATUS_URL', 'https://api.twitter.com/1/###USERNAME###/statuses/###STATUS###');

    This hack works in WordPress 3.1.3 and Twitter Tools 2.4

    Twitter turned off support for api calls to https://twitter.com URLs yesterday https://dev.twitter.com/discussions/10803
    I suggest using the latest version of the API which is slightly different from the advice so far.

    define('AKTT_API_POST_STATUS', 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json');
    define('AKTT_API_USER_TIMELINE', 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json');
    define('AKTT_API_STATUS_SHOW', 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/show.json?id=###ID###');
    define('AKTT_PROFILE_URL', 'https://twitter.com/###USERNAME###');
    define('AKTT_STATUS_URL', 'https://twitter.com/###USERNAME###/statuses/###STATUS###');
    define('AKTT_HASHTAG_URL', 'https://search.twitter.com/search?q=###HASHTAG###');
    Plugin Contributor alexkingorg


    Twitter Tools 3.0 was just released.


    I just updated Twitter Tools and now I have a problem with function <?php aktt_latest_tweet(); ?> which doesn’t return anything except “Fatal error: Call to undefined function aktt_latest_tweet()”. Can’t find why…

    It is also stuck for hours on Twitter tools Upgrade with 6 tweet remaining and on “download in progress” on the Twitter Tools option page…

    Thanks for your help.


    I just updated Twitter Tools and now I have a problem with function <?php aktt_latest_tweet(); ?> which doesn’t return anything except “Fatal error: Call to undefined function aktt_latest_tweet()”. Can’t find why…

    I am having this same problem can I no longer use <?php aktt_latest_tweet(); ?> ?

    Plugin is worthless to me if I can’t call it anymore using the php function.

    Thanks artesea those changes worked for me. Twitter Tools is now importing my Tweets again. It had stopped updating on the 10th. Anyway, I am not updating Twitter Tools to version 3.0.

    I’ll be making my own scripts to work with Twitter’s API (I’ve had my own to post updates on what the latest song I’m listening to in Winamp is for some time).

    Once I’ve got my own import tweets working I’ll probably just get rid of Twitter Tools. The parts I use of it are the Tweet importing and Sending out a Tweet when I make a post. I use a separate Twitter widget on my Sidebar that isn’t part of Twitter tools. I use my own PHP script to generate a Twitter digest using the information in the database which sends an email to the blog. I haven’t used Twitter Tools’ digest stuff in a long time.

    Anyway, since this version is once again working, I’ll keep it around.

    Thanks artesea those changes worked for me as well. But… until when?

    tcharmy, hopefully for at least a couple of years, but then twitter seem to change the rules to suit them.
    Twitter Tools 3.0 is your best bet for something stable, however I’m fine with how it worked before and am using me tweaks on the two sites I run.



    My Twitter Tools 2.4 once again seems to have stopped working as of this morning. I know there a new Twitter API is on the horizon–is anyone else having problems, and does anyone have a new update for that?

    My Twitter Tools (v2.4) is working great — for posting blog entries to Twitter, creating a Twitter sidebar list, and (when I turned it on) doing individual Tweets as blog entries.

    The Daily (and, tested, Weekly) Archives are non-functional, however. Very odd.

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