The website url is
The wordpress url is
Please, look at the screenshot if everything is correctly set. My server supports curl.
I think that there is a problem with the redirection. After twitter authentification I am presented with the login form (/wp-login.php)
and a url like that
You can try to connect with your twitter account to test all the process.
I had a similar problem with Facebook. If the settings for redirection are
“Same page where user logged in” and “Same page from where user registered” and users register/login from the login page (/wp-login.php) they are redirected to the same page and dont know what to do with the login form.
So I changed the settings to redirect to the Buddypress Profile. That resolved the problem with Facebook partially which means that facebook users go always to the their profil page while wordpress users (with default registration) go to the page they were before. If they were looking the blog (in my case Magazine) and click the “Connexion” menu item on the site bar, they go to the login page (/wp-login.php) and after login they are redirected back to the blog (Magazine).
For information: I have not facebook/twitter users yet. I am simply testing with my facebook/twitter accounts which have different email from my admin email. Linkedin doesnt work either but I will not use it for the present.