Twitter for WordPress broken on upgrade to 3.1
I just upgraded to 3.1 and now this plugin is just displaying “No public Twitter messages”
The RSS handling that Twitter for WordPress uses was deprecated in WP 3 and isn’t supported in WP 3.1. I’ve managed to get my copy working by changing references to:
include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-simplepie.php');
include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php');
replacing calls to
and then making some modifications to work with the SimplePie object that’s returned (see for an example of SimplePie in action).
I’ve only changed the pieces I absolutely need and don’t have time right now to produce and submit a complete patch but it shouldn’t take someone who knows the plugin code long to make the necessary changes.
jystewart – any chance you’d be willing to share the code changes? I looked at it briefly, but if you’ve already done it… ??
Sure. Sorry to not get back sooner but I was away at SxSW.
I tried to generate a diff but for some reason I’m getting the entire file as a diff (I may have changed the indentation style or something), so instead here’s my version of the twitter_messages() function, which is the only thing I changed. To update the plugin properly some related changes need to be made elsewhere, and I suspect there’s now some redundant code that should be removed?
function twitter_messages($username = '', $num = 1, $list = false, $update = true, $linked = '#', $hyperlinks = true, $twitter_users = true, $encode_utf8 = false) { global $twitter_options; include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-simplepie.php'); $messages = fetch_feed(''.$username.'.rss'); $items = $messages->get_items(); if ($list) echo '<ul class="twitter">'; if ($username == '') { if ($list) echo '<li>'; echo 'RSS not configured'; if ($list) echo '</li>'; } else { if ( empty($items) ) { if ($list) echo '<li>'; echo 'No public Twitter messages.'; if ($list) echo '</li>'; } else { $i = 0; foreach ( $items as $message ) { $msg = " ".substr(strstr($message->get_description(),': '), 2, strlen($message->get_description()))." "; if($encode_utf8) $msg = utf8_encode($msg); $link = $message->get_permalink(); if ($list) echo '<li class="twitter-item">'; elseif ($num != 1) echo '<p class="twitter-message">'; if ($hyperlinks) { $msg = hyperlinks($msg); } if ($twitter_users) { $msg = twitter_users($msg); } if ($linked != '' || $linked != false) { if($linked == 'all') { $msg = '<a href="'.$link.'" class="twitter-link">'.$msg.'</a>'; // Puts a link to the status of each tweet } else { $msg = $msg . '<a href="'.$link.'" class="twitter-link">'.$linked.'</a>'; // Puts a link to the status of each tweet } } echo $msg; if($update) { $time = strtotime($message['pubdate']); if ( ( abs( time() - $time) ) < 86400 ) $h_time = sprintf( __('%s ago'), human_time_diff( $time ) ); else $h_time = date(__('Y/m/d'), $time); echo sprintf( __('%s', 'twitter-for-wordpress'),' <span class="twitter-timestamp"><abbr title="' . date(__('Y/m/d H:i:s'), $time) . '">' . $h_time . '</abbr></span>' ); } if ($list) echo '</li>'; elseif ($num != 1) echo '</p>'; $i++; if ( $i >= $num ) break; } } } if ($list) echo '</ul>'; }
Jystewart, thanks for taking the time to get into this problem.
I am running WP 3.1 as well and now and then also getting the error “No public Twitter messages”. (most of the times not though)
I changed the code, causing the following n error:
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type SimplePie_Item as array in (…) twitter.php on line 91Surely this plugin must get compatible with WP 3+ ?
The no public twitter messages issue is mentioned before but never with a real solution (older threads)… Does this have to do with wp 3+?
Thanks in advance!
bassoo, you’ve hit on an element of the code I’m not using and so hadn’t updated.
I don’t have a line 91 in my amended copy, but line 92 is:
$time = strtotime($message['pubdate']);
which shows the plugin still using $message as an array rather than the object that it is. I can’t remember how the SimplePie API exposes pubdate (should be easy to find in the docs) but you’ll need that to become something along the lines of:
$time = strtotime($message->get_pubdate());
The plugin definitely needs a more thorough overhaul than I’ve had time for. Hopefully the original author could do that? I’m definitely not going to have any time before May.
I am using the plugin on the latest WP install (3.1.1) The plugin is working fine for me, minus the timestamp. I was able to get the timestamp working by doing the following.
on line 91/92:
$time = strtotime($message['pubdate']); //this code still works
The code following that line is what is not working. I commented everything else out within the if statement
if($updated) { $time = strtotime($message['pubdate']); /* forget the rest */ }
I then added my own echo statement.
if($updated) { $time = strtotime($message['pubdate']); echo '<span class="timestamp">' . date('m/d/Y H:ia', $time) . '</span>'; /* forget the rest */ }
It is a hack, but it works until the plugin is updated. Hope this helps someone.
thanks jystewart
for those using the timestamp you should change the code to:
$time = strtotime($message->get_date());
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