Hello @alexis14,
My colleagues found a solution for the Twitter API:
Add the below filter in the active theme functions.php file, at the end of the file; this will show the Use your own keys
add_filter( 'option_rop_first_install_version', '__return_false' );
Twitter Developer
- Login to https://developer.twitter.com with the Twitter account you want to use
- Create an App
- Add user authentication settings: “read & write”, “web app”
- App info (make sure to change these to use your own domain!):
- Callback/Redirect URL: https://example.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=TweetOldPost
- Website URL: https://example.com
- Make sure to copy both your keys
Revive Old Posts plugin
- Delete accounts from Revive Old Posts in WordPress
- Choose to create/add a new account “Twitter” button
- Choose “Use Your Own Keys” button
- Enter your two keys
- Login should proceed and everything will be activated
- That’s it! The plugin will now be working once again.
Please see this screencast for reference: https://vertis.d.pr/v/pI8ylM