twentythirteen-child problems functions.php & style.css
Hi, I’m totally new to WordPress and webdesign.
I am currently trying to figure out how to configure and adjust WordPress themes to my liking, thus I thought using the “Twentythirteen” theme would be best suited as it seems to resemble what I have in mind the most.(Form of the site that is)So I read up and get why I should use the twentythirteen-child method.
What I don’t get is the “functions.php and style.css”.Some sites say use @import in style.css but wordpress says enqueue via functions.php(which I am trying)
This is my wordpress directory at the moment:
With functions.php and style.css in them.functions.php contents:
<?php add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpsites_load_parent_styles'); function wpsites_load_parent_styles() { wp_enqueue_style( 'twentythirteen-styles', get_template_directory_uri("./twentythirteen").'/style.css' ); }
style.css contents:
Theme Name: Twenty Thirteen Child
Author: Piggy
Description: Child theme for Twenty Thirteen Test
Version: 1.0
Text Domain: twentythirteen
Template: twentythirteen*/ .site-header { background: url( no-repeat scroll top; background-size: 1600px auto; }
So I created those folders images>headers and added the picture in it, bluebar.png to replace the circles.png(in parent theme directory) as a troubleshooter.
My site-header remained default, it is as if the parent theme is overshadowing the child and not the other way around as it should.I have tried changing my functions.php to include the other CSS in the directory which is ‘rtl.css’ but no luck.
What should I do for these changes to take place?(Note the changes are in the developer when viewing the site via instant wordpress but I have to deselect them there to make the “bluebar.png” show rather than the “circles.png”)
Help would be much appreciated!
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