Twentyten Child theme
I am trying to create additional sidebar layouts.
I created a layout for two left sidebars..Works perfect.
I created a layout for two right sidebars..Works perfect.I also created a layout for one 220px wide sidebar and a layout for one 150px sidebar..Neither work as they should, in fact they are both displaying right sidebar content..????
I also created a 3 column left and right sidebar layout. But when viewing, only the right sidebar content is displayed..??
Does anyone have any idea where this conflict could be coming from?
I have been reading and re-reading the code and I just don’t see why this is happening.
I would post my css file, sidebar files and all of my template pages, but that would be a bit much.
My website is HERE, And I am going to leave this page set to display my LEFT sidebar and hopefully someone can help me figure this out.
Thanks in advance!
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