• Hi there,

    I’ve been trying to change the width of my sidebar for the TwentyTen theme. My site is https://bit.ly/gJ2sSf

    As you can see, the text currently runs into the sidebar. I’m using the TDO Mini Forms plugin in the sidebar.

    Here is the code I have edited – what am I doing wrong?

    #container {
    	float: left;
    	margin: 0 -340px 0 0;
    	width: 100%;
    #content {
    	margin: 0 400px 0 20px;
    #secondary {
    	float: right;
    	overflow: hidden;
    	width: 340px;
    #secondary {
    	clear: right;
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  • style.css:

    .entry-content, .entry-summary {
    padding:12px 0 0;

    Remove width:600px;.

    But be warned that your customisations will be over-written the next time you upgrade WordPress or the theme. For this reason, it is recommended that you consider creating a child theme for your customisations.

    Thread Starter Adnan_GS


    Thanks esmi.

    If you highlight text from the “Testing 123” post, it still highlights the whole page (including sidebar background) – any reason you can find for this?

    And thanks for the heads up about a child theme – will look into creating one.

    I’m not seeing any highlighting issues in Firefox now.

    Thread Starter Adnan_GS


    Aha, it seems to be a Chrome issue.

    Final issue related to the sidebar: as mentioned I’m using TDO Mini Forms and the Form Title as well as the Widget h3 are showing up. I just want the Widget h3 and not the title. Here’s the code snippet.

    <!-- form start -->
    <form method="post" action="https://www.gosneeze.com/wp-content/plugins/tdo-mini-forms/tdomf-form-post.php" id='tdomf_form%%FORMID%%' name='tdomf_form%%FORMID%%' class='tdomf_form' >
    	<div><input type='hidden' id='tdomf_form_id' name='tdomf_form_id' value='%%FORMID%%' /></div>
            <div><input type='hidden' id='redirect' name='redirect' value='%%FORMURL%%' /></div>
    	<!-- widgets start -->
    	<!-- who-am-i start -->
    		<h3 class="widget-title">Start Sneezing</h3>
    		<?php if(is_user_logged_in()) { ?>
    			<p>%%USERNAME%%, you're logged in already.

    Many thanks in advance.

    Try adding:

    #primary .widget-container .fieldset h3.widget-title {display:none;}

    to the bottom of style.css.

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