TwentyFourteen – Image map not working
I’m trying to use an image map on the front page of a site I’m developing –
It simply doesn’t work, BUT the same code DOES work if I generate a plain HTML page and put the image map there – see on the Donate> button at bottom right of the top large image on the frontpage_test.htm page links correctly to the Donate page.
But the same code in the WordPress front page doesn’t do anything – no link showing on hover, no ‘hand’ indicating a link, and clicking does nothing.
Here’s the code, generated in Dreamweaver CS3 for the test html page:
<img src="/images/kiidstrust_header.png" alt="kiidstrust_header image" width="1240" height="240" border="0" usemap="#donate" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-198" /> <map name="donate" id="donate"><area shape="rect" coords="862,421,1216,501" href="/index.php/donate" alt="Click to go to Donate page" /> </map>
I’ve tried referring to the map by name instead of ID (leaving out the # in usemap=”#donate”) – no difference.
Any other suggestions to get this to work? Thanks if anyone can help.
John McC
PS. When I look at View Source for the WordPress page, the only thing I can see that looks odd is that an extra <p> tag has been put in front of the <img> tag, and an extra line break tag has appeared before the opening <map>tag. Don’t know where they came from – not in the original [Text] tab view on the Edit Page in WP.
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