Twenty Twenty-Two is a bad choice for default theme
My hosting provider’s WordPress installer (Softaculous) is set up such that the default theme for new installations is Twenty Twenty-Two. Since this theme contains BETA features and has clearly not settled into its final form, and because it works in a way for which there is as yet very little documentation or articles online, I think this is a poor choice as a default to shove into the faces of site administrators who are mostly not developers, and never asked to be on the bleeding edge.
The hosting provider’s support claims that “the default themes come bundled with WordPress and we can’t change them”. I’m not an expert on Softaculous, but I’m willing to bet there’s a way they can configure it to specify which theme is suggested to the user as the default. I’m not saying Twenty Twenty-Two shouldn’t be installed with WordPress (though whether to do so is arguable at present). I just want the hosting provider to select a different default — say, Twenty Twenty-One.
Two questions:
- Do the support folks know what they’re talking about? Isn’t it possible to configure a different theme as the default active theme when they install WordPress?
- Do y’all agree it’s a bad idea to expose the typical site admin to 2022 just yet?
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