• I am using CSS Hero to fine-tune the appearance of my site.

    However, for some reason, the menu on the CSS Hero editing page is different from the one on the Editor page (Ie. there are different menu items). In the screenshot below, top is CSS Hero, bottom is Editor.

    When I view the page in a browser, the CSS Hero menu is the one that displays. I have absolutely no idea how this came about. Does anyone know how to synchronize them?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hey, pabirds, I see something largely that resembles what’s displayed in the bottom image you featured in your post.

    The CSS on your live site is using the CSS associated with blocks, if you examine the CSS using web browser developer tools.

    CSS Hero appears to be a premium product; I would reach out to their support with your issue.

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