• Hi all,

    I have a problem with the default theme twenty ten. I want to change the header image. I’ve googled a bit and realised that I am not the only one experiencing problem but I haven’t found the solution.

    So far I’ve tried:

    1) Dashboard -> appearence -> header -> upload image.
    No matter the size or name of the picture, it always appear blank (or rather a grey rectangle). I’ve tried with header images that work on another site (using atahualpa theme).
    I’ve tried upload from firefox and IE. I’ve also tried to look at the site usuing firefox and IE. (no picture).

    2) I deleated all default pictures in the header image folder in twenty ten theme folder. I then uploaded a couple of my owns. In the exact right size. Nothing changed.

    3) I installed the wp plug-in twenty ten header rotated. Nothing changed.

    Any ideas greatly appreciated.

    This is the site in question:

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  • All this is great – but will the custom image be re-written at update? Or are you using a child theme?

    (I’m having the same trouble….)

    Thanks, all.

    Thread Starter surocharg


    Every time I update wordpress (rather frequent recently) I have to upload my picture again…

    I’ve tried a child theme, but haven’t managed to get it work properly yet.

    Don’t edit the Twenty Ten theme! Your changes will be over-written the next time you upgrade WordPress or the theme. For this reason, it is recommended that you consider creating a child theme for your customisations.

    Thread Starter surocharg


    Thanks Esmi for the kind warning. I’ve tried creating a child theme, and I have put my header picture there, but it still keeps disappearing every time I update wordpress.

    Every time I update wordpress I keep my fingers crossed that the stupid bugg that stops people from updating their header picture into Twenty Ten will be fixed.

    @esmi – Thanks, I have always followed your advice and it works like a charm. I then tried to copy the functions.php file to the child subdirectory (in it’s entirety) and then tried to edit the image listing to include my custom header photo. I got this error “Fatal error: Cannot redeclare twentyten_page_menu_args() (previously declared in /hsphere/local/home/rachelstafford/handsfreemama.com/wp-content/themes/childofTwentyTen/functions.php:214) in /hsphere/local/home/rachelstafford/handsfreemama.com/wp-content/themes/twentyten/functions.php on line 217”.

    I ended up going back to the twentyten template and just changing the template every time it gets updated which you are correct, @surocharge, has been frequent.

    I then tried to copy the functions.php file to the child subdirectory (in it’s entirety)

    And that’s where you’re going wrong. The child’s functions.php file should only contain the functions that you want to change – without the if...endif conditionals.

    @esmi – THANKS! I didn’t realize the if..endif conditionals were the problem; not well-versed in php. This has totally solved my problem. I just changed the image size on the child theme and voila.

    Thanks again.

    @surocharg – I have made a child theme out of twentyten and did what @esmi told me to do in the functions.php file for the child. I changed the code to reflect the change in size and then uploaded my logo. Also, I added the margin: auto to the css file to center it. Would be happy to share if it helps.

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