• When you call up an archive category, it shows the excerpt, but doesn’t show the “Continue reading [title of post]”.

    I looked in loop.php and saw:

    <?php if ( is_archive() || is_search() ) : // Only display excerpts for archives and search. ?>
    <div class=”entry-summary”>
    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    </div><!– .entry-summary –>
    <?php else : ?>
    <div class=”entry-content”>
    <?php the_content( __( ‘Continue reading <span class=”meta-nav”>→</span>’, ‘twentyten’ ) ); ?>
    <?php wp_link_pages( array( ‘before’ => ‘<div class=”page-link”>’ . __( ‘Pages:’, ‘twentyten’ ), ‘after’ => ‘</div>’ ) ); ?>
    </div><!– .entry-content –>
    <?php endif; ?>

    So it makes me think the “Continue reading’ instruction is there, but it doesn’t display. Any suggestion?

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  • Thread Starter donseaton


    Curiously, some posts have the “continue reading” and some don’t, even if they are all getting the excerpt function applied.

    Thread Starter donseaton


    I’ve narrowed the problem down. When a post has a “read more” inserted by the author, the excerpt ignores the read more and doesn’t place it’s own Continue reading.

    Hi there, I have the same problem too. Could anyone please help? Thanks.

    edit thi line <?php if ( is_archive() || is_search() ) : // Only display excerpts for archives and search. ?> to
    <?php if (is_search() ) : // Only display excerpts for archives and search. ?>

    Hi chinmoy29,

    Thank you very much!

    Further, do you know how could I create specific category with recent post in separate boxes in the front page like “style”, “eat & drink” and “travel” for example in this website, https://sassyhongkong.com/?

    I’m not so sure of how to go about this but what is in my mind is to grab a widget plugin that can show specific category with recent post and drag it to the footer widget area. Then move the bit from sidebar footer widget to the main index template. Am I thinking correctly or there is a better way? Many thanks!!

    create common function in your functions.php file.like

      function separatePostBox($cat_id, $numberofposts){
        while(have_posts()): the_post()
         //your code here

    call this function from your front page like
    <?php separatePostBox(4, 5); ?> //4 is the id of style
    <?php separatePostBox(6, 5); ?> // 6 is the id of eat&drink

    I just share the logic. You will implement it properly.

    Hope you understand.

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