• Hello,

    I am new to wordpress and changing around themes. I am using the twenty eleven theme and have some questions:

    1. How can I remove PAGE titles from the static pages I have on my site? I’ve seen a couple of posts about the twenty ten theme but they don’t seem to work for me?

    2. Twenty eleven also has too much spacing between site title and header image, between header image and page content, and page title (which I want to get rid of) and page content.

    Any help would be great!

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  • Do not edit the Twenty Eleven theme. It is the default WordPress 3.2 theme and having access to an unedited version of the theme is vital when dealing with a range of site issues.

    For this reason, it is recommended that you consider creating a child theme for your customisations. Once your child theme is active, we should be able to help with the customisation.

    Thread Starter diego898


    Ok now that I have done this, how do I continue?

    By posting a link to your site.

    I think the safest way to make something dissapear in WordPress is using CSS to hide it, so you do not need to modify the code in the php files, specially because in the future you might regret having erased something. Using CSS you can revert it very easily ??

    So, get to your style.css file located in your theme’s folder (remember to avoid working directly in the Twenty Eleven theme folder, at least make a copy of it and change it’s name). Anywhere in this file, write the code showed above:

    .page .entry-title { display: none; }

    That simple line should get rid of the page titles and also some of the white space you were talking about.

    If you want to dissapear even more white space, get to line 1075 in the same file where you’ll find this:

    .singular.page .hentry {
        padding: 3.5em 0 0;

    Change it for:

    .singular.page .hentry {
        padding: 0;

    This last modification will remove white space not only in your pages, but also in your hole site.

    Good luck! ;D

    Hi. I’ve tried al the suggestions here and on other sites, but nothing is working. Could you please help get rid of the gap between the picture in my page and the top menu ? (i’ve already removed the page title, and padding )

    <img source=”https://swissresidence.ro/sitegap.PNG”/&gt;

    You can take away the little gap just by making a little change in line 684, where you’ll find this:

    #main {
        clear: both;
        padding: 1.625em 0 0;

    Just replace it for this:

    #main {
        clear: both;
        padding: 0;

    If you want to remove more white space between the top menu and the image slider, you’ll have to do some extra changes…


    open style.css
    and clear #site-title’s style

    #site-title {


    If you have copied the twentyeleven theme and are just customizing it its in the file content-page.php on line 13.

    I personally have took out the whole block (starting with <header…) lines 12-14.

    Alternatively if you are developing on Linux you can use grep/rgrep to search through source files in the command line and find whatever it is you are looking for, it can tell you what files and what lines it finds matches, that’s how I found it.

    Please don’t just mute the title css its the lazy approach and sooner or later you will have to go back and do it properly. Save yourself the hassle later and do it properly from the start.

    Happy coding

    Rodni, could you direct me to where and how I could do the following. I’m not sure if I’m using the corrects terms, so please let me know if you need more info.

    1. lessen the padding between the page title and the content.

    2. remove the “Edit” buttons throughout the site.

    3. remove the “Reply” buttons throughout the site.

    Thanks, Mary

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