hey…came across a solution…
They seem to have created a temporary version of vSlider – called vFlexslider – which is responsive and can be used until they update the main vSlider plugin.
vFlexslider is also touch-responsive on iPhones and iPads.
Flexslider works just about the same way as does vSlider.
One major difference (I noticed) is that you need to size the pictures you want to show to the exact size you want/need them as the program doesn’t crop them (vSlider does; vFlexslider does not!).
Here is the code I am using which makes it possible to show different sliders on different pages / it needs to be placed into the header.php:
<?php if(function_exists('vflexslider'))
if(is_front_page() ) {
}else if(is_page( 'enter_wordpress_page_number' ) ){
}else if(is_page( 'enter_wordpress_page_numer' ) ){
}else if(is_page( 'enter_wordpress_page_numer' ) ){
}else if(is_page( 'enter_wordpress_page_numer' ) ){
}else {
} ?>
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In brackets are the names of the sliders (created within the plugin).
That exact same code can be used for vSlider when they have finished updating it. You just exchange ALL the references to ‘vflexslider’ for ‘vslider’ in the code. Done!
Hope its of any use!