• Hi all,
    New user to wordpress but think it’s the most awesome blogging platform ever…am using the twenty eleven theme which is being very friendly to me ?? I’ve heard and read about this showcase template which sounds like something I might want to look at, question is…how I do activate it or view it or just use it please? I have no idea where to find this, can someone please help me?

    Thanks! ??

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  • Hi.

    You just add a new page. In the admin sitebar you have the option to use the showcase template. Publish it and take a look at it.

    It works best if you have some post that are made sticky.

    Thread Starter Japandaman


    Thanks for your help, clausdam ??

    i’m lost… the showcase template looks no different when i choose it compared to any other template. also where do i find the sticky post option?

    In the Post editor find the “Publish” section.
    Next to “Visibility” click on edit and then check the “Stick this post to the front page” option there.
    Click save and you’re done.

    (saw this elsewhere.. good luck)

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