• hello,
    I would like my Pages to be static html looking pages. with no posts.
    I can’t find the way to delete/hide the Recent Post widget(?) at the bottom of the page.

    can anyone help?


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  • Hello,

    By the way, did you find a solution?

    I’m also interested to remove the “Recent Post” on Twentyeleven theme.

    can you post a link to your site?

    afaik, the featured posts only show on the ‘showcase template’ – what is the reason that you use that template?

    the code for it is in showcase.php; and part of it is in content-featured.php

    also, don’t edit twenty eleven directly – create a child theme and make the customisation there.

    Thread Starter silviopalladino


    site is https://www.whatdoyoulivefor.net

    I am not an expert in modifying code, so it would be great if anyone could give me some guidance ??



    My website is not online for the moment.

    But I already created a child theme, then i followed your advice:
    I copied/pasted showcase.php and deleted lines 152 to 205 included. It works! ?? Thank you.

    I have just a thin white bar between the page and the footer. How can I remove or reduce it?

    I tried to delete the widget portion in showcase.php but it didn’t work.

    Thread Starter silviopalladino


    haaa I think I missed some steps of the process…Godzifa can you direct me to some step to step instructions please?

    It will be too long to explain step by step but you should start by creating a child theme (click on the link that alchymyth posted above).

    Then copy and paste the file “showcase.php” from the parent theme to the child theme.
    Open the file with a text editor (i.e. Notepad++).
    Delete lines 152 to 205 included.
    Save your modification.

    It should be okay.


    I made a child theme and are making any modifications here. So far I only made a CSS file and a showcase.php file.
    I cant seem to figure out how to make my page “front” the first page U see when entering my site https://flowtogrow.dk. I also don’t want this first site to show the recent posts from the blog – this I want shown on a separate page called “blog”, so I used the above solution, but it did not seem to work for me.

    Can anyone tell me why? (i am quite knew to this – so any well explained help is much appreciated ??

    This works —
    In child theme style.css or custom.css (I actually inserted this into Twenty Eleven Theme Extensions Custom CSS block):

    .recent-posts {

    GREAT aly22! that did the trick for me!

    Did anyone figure out how to remove the white area between the page and the footer Godzifa mentions? I have the same problem.

    I added this to my child-style styles.css to remove the white bar.

    article.intro {
    	margin: -1.855em -8.9% 0.155em;

    Alienoiduk, you’re awesome, thanks, that worked.

    Thanks y’all. I’m just starting out and this thread helped a lot.

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