• Hi! I’ve set my child theme, and my showcase template, but i really don’t like the new “recent posts” visualization. I’d like to show 4 posts instead of only 1. So I’d like to have a normal “recent posts” visualization instead of the showcase one, but I don’t want to lose the featured-slider.

    what can i do?

    Is it possible to show a thumbnail and an excerpt (instead of the full text) for each post of the loop?

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    I tried to replace what is on the page showcase.php (in <section class=”recent-posts”> …. etc. …</ section>) with the code on the page index.php (normal loop) . All this, however, does not work…

    Anyone could help me?

    This is what i am looking to do the same thing. I want to show more recent posts normally on Twenty Eleven showcase. Anyone can help us?

    Do not edit the Twenty Eleven theme. It is the default WordPress 3.2 theme and having access to an unedited version of the theme is vital when dealing with a range of site issues. Create a child theme for your changes. Once your child theme is active, we should be able to help with the customisation.

    I am using a child theme and it is active. So anyone can help me with the customization?

    My website is available at : https://www.home-work.ws

    What do you mean by “show more recent posts normally”?

    I mean by displaying full posts or excerpts. I want more posts instead of just one.

    Do you understand what i mean?

    Is this when using the showcase template? If so, you’d need to create a modified version of showcase.php in your child theme.

    Yes this is when using the showcase template. But the thing i need to know is what to modify on showcase.php to get it the way i want…

    Where exactly IS showcase.php? I don’t see it anywhere!

    dashboard – appearance – editor: under ‘Select theme to edit:’ select ‘Twenty Eleven’, then select ‘showcase.php’ from the list on the right;


    Thank you and I found that .php file no problem, however there is nothing in there that allows me to switch out the “Recent Work” heading/section of the website.

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