• I would just like to thank you in advance for taking the time to assist me and i will surely pay it foreward on here.

    I would like to know how could I center the site title, the small text right under it, the main menu titles, page title and how could i get rid of the useless side bar links and replace them with my own page directed links? Recommended plug in’s would also be appreciated.
    My site is:

    Again on behalf of all of us oblivious people, I would like to thank you for your help.

    God Bless.

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  • There may be a plugin for the menu issue, but more likely it will require some css tweaking. You should use a developer tool like Mozilla Firebug to help you ou with that. If you’re not already, you’ll need to get somewhat familiar with how css works.

    Alternately, if you have time to shop around you could find a theme that either comes like that or allows you to make that mod through admin settings.

    Also, if you go the route of css changes, it’s always advised to create and use a child theme

    Thread Starter danthaman87



    deepbevel, I tried the code from the other pages, but I myself am looking for a way to add something like

    site-title {align:center}

    I tried that to no avail. I tried

    site-title {text-align:center}
    but that centered the text in the div, which was not centered on the header.

    Not sure if I explained that right or if that made sense, still learning…

    ps, I am using a child theme.

    Hi I am workin on barefootrunningtechniques.com and still have same problem with twenty eleven. center the title?

    Someone must have resolved this ?

    #site-title, #site-description {
        margin: 0 auto; text-align: center;

    either edit the existing styles accordingly, or add these after the styles of #site-title and #site-description into style.css of the child theme

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