• Easy to configure. More then satisfied. I used theme Twenty Seventeen and made a scores:
    pageSpeed Score: 99%
    YSlow Score: 96%
    Onload Time: 1s
    TTFB: 221ms
    Total page size 266kb
    Requests: 14

    And this is free version. What you can do with payed version you can just imagine.
    When my cloudflare will be confirmed i will have even better result in scores.
    I made some little changes in cloudflare to:
    1. Firewall (Security level:High, Challenge Passage: 15 min, )
    2. Speed (Auto minify: check Javascript, don’t check CSS and HTML cause you have them already checked in WP Fastest setting, Rocket Loader: On,)
    3. Caching ( Caching level: Standard, Browser Cache Expiration: 1 month, Always Online: On; )
    All other i have left on default.
    Cheers people!

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